How do I become more social and get close to people? I genuinely just want a good friend I can relate to and I’ve come across so much wonderful people id love to just be friends with but one issue

I’m shy as hell and i fear coming off being weird and sometimes I don’t know what to say or do. Any advice how to overcome this? I struggle abit in school because I just feel invisible but I feel like it’s a me problem so I figured maybe just having a few good friends would help. I have tons of hobbies and stuff I do but I feel like randomly just talking about it can come off selfish?

1 comment
  1. It’s great that you have interests and hobbies; they can actually be a wonderful way to connect with others. Here are some tips to help you overcome shyness and build meaningful connections:

    1. **Practice Active Listening:** Show genuine interest in what others are saying. People appreciate good listeners, and it helps in building rapport.

    2. **Find Common Ground:** Look for shared interests or experiences. This provides a natural topic of conversation and helps in establishing connections.

    3. **Start Small:** Engage in small talk with classmates or colleagues. Simple greetings and compliments can go a long way in breaking the ice.

    4. **Volunteer:** Participate in group activities or volunteer for events related to your interests. This puts you in a social setting where you can interact with others who share your passions.

    5. **Join Clubs or Groups:** School clubs, community organizations, or online forums related to your hobbies can be excellent places to meet like-minded people.

    6. **Be Yourself:** Authenticity is key to forming genuine friendships. Don’t try to be someone you’re not to fit in. People appreciate sincerity.

    7. **Practice Social Skills:** Role-play social situations with a friend or family member. Practicing can boost your confidence in real-life interactions.

    8. **Accept Rejection:** Not every attempt at socializing will lead to a deep connection, and that’s okay. Rejection is a part of life; don’t take it personally and keep trying.

    9. **Ask Questions:** People generally enjoy talking about themselves. Asking open-ended questions about their interests or experiences can keep a conversation flowing.

    10. **Be Patient:** Building meaningful friendships takes time. Don’t rush the process; let relationships develop naturally.

    Remember, everyone feels awkward or unsure at times. It’s okay to make mistakes; they’re opportunities to learn. With time and practice, you’ll likely find it easier to connect with others and form the friendships you desire.

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