I am 32m who’s been out of that part of the world since 2014. Last gf broke up with me on my birthday and i just decided to do me for a while. I wouldn’t have thought it would have lasted this long but 6 months to a year and then zap, its been almost 10.. Its not terrible in all honesty. Although i no longer have any friends except my sister, it has been a journey. I’ve come to enjoy my lone time and enjoy my daily routines(all be it, its as simple as it gets). I work, go to the gym and then come home where it depends on how i feel. Video games, maybe a new episode or movie dropped and i finish the night with an audio book(im 7 books away from completing Stephen Kings entire catalogue).

And with a huge boost for my mental health i decided to try dating again. I would love to be with someone but im not sure why its been a pain. I’ve downloaded a handful of dating apps which has been an eye opener for me. I didn’t know i had to pay for so many things on the app that it feels like im gimped already. I’ve made up my profiles as best as i can. I’ve laid out a few funny lines in the prompts they give and tried to be as clear and genuine in my bios as i can. But i haven’t gotten a single person to say yes to a date… They are not looking for hook ups and im not either but its not a deal breaker if so, but what is it that is keeping them from saying yes? Isn’t this what we want? There are plenty of things to do around the city with a few things we can do outside the city limits that would be fun to do. Even though ive turned into a homebody from the years alone, i’m not afraid to stepping out in the sun to enjoy something new, especially when it could be with someone, new or known.


But as i said, im confused by the lack of interest when i ask the question. I’ve had only two convos go longer then a day with the person responding and asking questions, keeping the talks going(Which was awesome). And i even had a few give me a funny “As long as you know this or that about me” warning, but then all of them have ghosted me. I know people dont like confrontation but ive made it clear that honesty is the number 1 things i want from someone. If you don’t want to go on a date, say so. You cant make it for whatever reason? Tell me. Why bother talking to me if you’re gonna just disappear?…

Now im not gonna lay into my looks. I know i am not a giga chad and my days of building a body fit for the gods is long gone, but fuck am i proud of myself for going to the gym and losing the amount of weight i have without giving up. It has been so f’ing amazing. I am someone who can so easily give up on the gym and send my ass back to the obese realm that it makes me feel even better knowing i haven’t given up. And i know i wont with that. But the last 2 weeks have made me think, i should give up on dating. Its not the end of the world if i do, i know i don’t want kids and i don’t want to get married so my dating pool is severely limited already, but for all i know, there might be someone who could change my mind!

I feel like i ran off script with this long winded essay lol. But am i just outdated with the dating scene? All the people in my criteria are around my age range. I’m not looking for anyone younger then 27 just to be clear. I figured it would be hard to get with someone, but i also thought being my age, others just as old would also be inclined to cut the bs when it came to settling down. Maybe i should download Snapchat? A lot of profiles are just peoples SC accounts. I thought that app died years ago?

Idk is it worth it to keep trying or should i wait longer?

1 comment
  1. Hey! You’re considering new approaches like Snapchat. Have you ever considered a solution that would involve creating real-life opportunities instead that from behind a screen?

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