I’m not sure where to post this so I apologize if this is the wrong place!!

This is something that’s been bothering me for the last year or so. Whenever I talk to one of my coworkers she constantly looks at my mouth and I’ve noticed others do it occasionally as well when I’m speaking to them. I remember this specific coworker telling me that she’s “bothered” when someone has a snaggle tooth. I have straight teeth except for one that’s always been crooked, but that’s never bothered me and even if other people have crooked teeth, I never looked at their mouths often at all. I notice it once and that’s about it.

People never really looked at my mouth much until now for some odd reason? My crooked tooth has shifted a tiny bit because of my wisdom teeth, but it’s nothing crazy. I’m heavily considering Invisalign for one fucking tooth because I’m tired of people looking at my mouth 😂 I don’t ever recall looking at someone’s mouth unless they had a glaring piece of lettuce stuck in their teeth otherwise I always look at people in their eyes.

I feel like I have food stuck in my teeth or something whenever they do it and it’s starting to make me feel insecure about my smile even though my smile is something people have always complimented despite my crooked tooth, but now I’m even second guessing that LOL

Do people normally look at the mouth of someone speaking to them?? Should I say something like “I notice you look at my mouth a lot when I talk to you is there a reason why?” Or is that too confrontational? Lol should I just not care?

  1. I tend to look everywhere on a persons face not directly on one spot tho. I feel like that’s weird

  2. I sometimes do this if I find it hard to hear someone – it helps make out what they’re saying sometimes.

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