Even though I’m bi, I’ve only ever dated women, and have had a lot of FF sex, but the farthest i’ve ever gone with a guy is just making out. I’ve been single for some time now, and was never into hookup culture, meaning I’ve been over a year with no sex (I know, ugh). I’m seeing this guy next week and we actually went to HS together, but reconnected when we ran into each other at a small concert a few months back. I never knew him too well as he was in the year above me, but we recognized each other and have been chatting. He asked to go for drinks to catch up and said we could go back to his after for a movie. I have no idea what I’m doing since I’ve only ever dated women and men are just so unfamiliar to me. Any tips? Is this a bad idea??

  1. It’s not that men are a total different species when it comes to dating. Just go with the flow

  2. If you just want to be friends with him and you know this beforehand tell him you’d rather not go to his place after. I say this because that means he might consider wanting to have sex, I know because if I ask a girl over after drinks, and she says yes, if the mood is right I just might try to have sex. And since you don’t like hooking up, make it clear while you are out with him. Now understand I’m not him and I could be completely wrong but from my experience this just might happen. But other than that have a good time young lady! I hope it goes well and you 2 hit it off!

  3. Have fun. If your not sure what to do just follow his lead a little. Most guys orgasm pretty easy soni wouldn’t worry to much about that. If you’ve only dated women you’ll probably be shocked at how quick it can be for guys.
    Make sure you talk about not wanting to be a one night stand before you end up back at his place. Maybe save the going back to his place for a few dates later.

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