Met a strange woman who told me that 90% of men likes women with dark feminine energy – mysterious, intimidating, reserved, sexy, etc instead of the light feminine energy – innocent, approachable, bubbly, optimistic, smiley, and such. She told me I have light feminine energy and described me as rainbow and sunshine to other people. And that the 10% leftover of quality men who likes women with light feminine energy are actually top-tier men, but are incredibly hard to find.

This woman is near her mid-30s, quite successful, and networks like crazy. She claims she can read people easily just for having a degree in psychology.

I thought it was incredibly dumb to label and categorize women into two different groups because people are so much more complex than that. While I do come off happy when seeing someone, there’s a whole another side of me I hide from many people in fear of becoming a burden to someone and most times prefer to keep my dark past/upbringing and anything about family private.

I don’t converse with men very much, but was curious if this is a thing…

  1. I’ve never heard of this before. It sounds like a bunch of baseless, fake psychobabble to me. Rainbows and sunshine are awesome.

  2. Ok I just got to the first sentence and stopping because I have no clue what you are talking about.

    So no

  3. Success in career don’t really translate to the credibility of the person’s opinions. Especially when dating and work are^^usually mutually-exclusive topics.

    Another example: My brother is pretty successful for having just graduated 3 years ago, but sometimes spouts andrew tatey bullshit.

  4. > She claims she can read people easily just for having a degree in psychology.

    I can also read people easily and I don’t have a degree in psychology. It’s called intuition. This doll is spouting some serious BS 😂😂

  5. What.The.Actual.F*@# ?!

    That’s just absolutely kooky!

    Even IF we assume the whole dark vs light energy nonsense (on which I completely agree with you btw), it’s definitely not 90-10.

    I’ve been attracted both to women who are reserved and considered, and to those who are vivacious and outgoing. Neither of these tell me anything about their underlying personalities or life experiences.

    I do have a certain simultaneous attraction AND wariness of people with the so-called “dark” energy traits, because I share a fair number of these traits, so there’s some element of “kindred” spirits about such interactions, but ive also been burned by them in the past enough to be wary that we might be enabling each other’s unhealthy traits. It depends.

    And because of the contrast in personalities, I’m drawn to “light energy” people, but wary that the contrast might be too much to be compatible.

    It all depends!! And it’s very situational, and person-dependent.

  6. She is delusional, plain and simple. These people exist. Some of them believe the earth is a flat plate, some of them think that the arrangement of objects in the universe can affect personalities, plus many other irrational conspiracies.
    Trying to understand or reason with them will just drain you.
    Move on with your life.

  7. As a fellow “rainbows and sunshine” – “light energy” female – I can attest, a great number of men love that girl next door thing. I am constantly asked on dates and pursued and you’d be shocked, literally shocked – how many guys in the last year alone, have said to “I love how soft spoken you are!” – etc. I personally feel like it’s the opposite because men have always loved my energy. I’m also very petite and not the girliest girl, no makeup, no dresses, no heels, just a sweet little girl next door vibe and its worked quite well for me.

  8. If only… things can be that simple. This lady, as successful as she might seem, has overestimated her abilities. Those that can read people don’t go bragging about it.

  9. > innocent, approachable, bubbly, optimistic, smiley, and such

    The funny thing is, this is incredibly sexy. Far more than “mysterious, intimidating, reserved”. Although neither of them replace physical attraction. The physically attractive woman can have dark feminine and still be overall more attractive than the not-so physically attractive woman that’s light feminine.

    I think it’s common for women that are conventionally physically attractive to be have dark feminine. Hence the fallacy of dark feminine energy being more attractive.

    All I can imagine is Jess from New Girl being light feminine.

  10. Lets break it down:

    mysterious ???

    intimidating ❌

    reserved ❌

    sexy ✔

    innocent ✔

    approachable ✔

    bubbly ✔

    optimistic ✔

    smiley ✔

    rainbow and sunshine to other people ✔

  11. I’ve never heard of it like this, but I still think it’s a bunch of bullshit. People like happy and approachable people. It honestly just sounds like something a toxic person came up with to justify their game playing

  12. Whenever someone starts talking about peoples behaviors in percents it’s best to ignore, they’re most likely just making stuff up (I also do this)

  13. Never heard of that lol. Categorizing “energies” is almost exclusively a female thing. Males typically don’t care too much about that.

    Attract a man by telling him what you respect about him. That’ll make you stand out from 90% of women who are busy telling the man what to respect and what they DON’T respect about him.

    Oh and be genuine. Don’t make up something, find something you genuinely respect and tell him straight up. If you don’t have anything you respect him for, you either 1) don’t know him well enough, 2) have a bad mindset (seems unlikely in your case), or 3) are looking at the wrong person. Investigate those possibilities in that exact order.

    Men on the whole want respect. It’s hugely attractive when it’s offered freely, and encourages extremely positive reciprocation.

  14. That lady sounds like a weirdo, but in my experience I connect to different women in different ways. There are a lot of varieties of people, and different men have different preferences. I can’t speak for other guys, but I love a variety of women. The loud extroverted woman is simply attractive to me for different reasons than the quiet, reserved woman. I still love both of them, though.

  15. Unless a woman is goth or into occult shit wtf is dark energy exactly? Men fantasize and like goth looking women bc of the way we dress- they think women dressing goth are promiscuous… I’m 44 and can tell many many stories about men’s perception of women who dress alternative

    It’s like if you meet a woman who is overweight with manic panic hair they think she’s a feminist liberal.

  16. Just let her know that 68% of the majority of statistics are made up.

    You be you and you’ll find that person that likes you.

  17. This is absolute bullshit. Most men want someone that’s genuine and nice. No games, no mysterious, etc. In my mind she described what 90% of women want. I don’t pretend to know if that’s true or not it’s the difference here.

  18. The hell dumb pseudo-voodoo sxxt is this crap?

    Dark feminine energy? What is this? Junior high?

  19. It kinda sounds like she may be mixing Asian Yin-Yang concepts with her own application and interpretation of them. Yin would be dark and mysterious. Yang would be light and sunshiny.

    Probably in some parts of Asia where Yin-Yang concepts are widely used people would describe someone as having yin characteristics (energy) or yang characteristics (energy), both men and women.

    Most people in other parts of the world don’t think in these terms.

    Edit: 10% is not that hard to find. It’s 1 out of 10, or a 100 out of a 1,000, 100,000 in a city of 1,000,000 😉 So your odds are very good 😀 😛 Yay!

  20. This isn’t something men would know. “Dark or light feminine”

    Every men is different. Be yourself

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