22-year-old male here! I’m a Driver for UPS and I’ll make over 120k easily. What is it with this generation of girls thinking truck drivers make crap money? Every date I go on they always say “I thought truck drivers make crap money” seriously??

  1. That’s a pretty rude thing to say. I do think drivers don’t make much, so it’s suprising. But I’d never say it to a dates face.

  2. Generally speaking long haul truckers make more than local, and it takes years for UPS drivers to start making the big bucks. Not many people are aware UPS is actually Union and have outstanding benefits. Then again it’s an excellent litmus test because you don’t really want someone that disparages essential workers, wages notwithstanding. We’re the backbone of society and the job merits respect regardless of whether it’s not the highest earning position.

  3. Bringing up income is such a weird topic on the first date.. Do they usually ask you how much you make? Or do you volunteer this information?

  4. Bruh you going for the wrong women- to be honest maybe find yourself a good women(older women maybe 25-26. One she will appreciate you more won’t really care how you make money as long as it’s the house eat way. And better yet she might show you a few new ways she handles packages. Lmao I had to.

  5. Who gives a fuck what you do to make money. ask them right back “what do YOU do for money?” And belittle them right back. all labor is equal. you got a boss, you do labor, and you get a damn paycheck. I don’t care if you jerk off into a bucket for 8 hours. what does that have to do with who you are as a person?

  6. Seems like a rude line of questioning…truck drivers and delivery drivers can make great money! Some people only respect others with desk jobs, unfortunately. Personally, I seek out blue collar workers when I date, I’m sure there are other women like that out there.

  7. Well, tell them the exit is… point towards the door. Lol Be proud of what you do, and stop giving a f@&k what these girls think, they need to work on their ignorance.

  8. No matter the pay, it’s a blur collar job, which many white collar workers look down upon, despite the job being essential for our modern way of life.

  9. That is a stable job with three figure pay. You and your job are not the issue. Maybe assess what attracts you too and find a way to weed out women who judge this way

  10. Money is important…for sure. I do think there is unawareness of that type of money in that work. It’s not what I would call a brag-able position like a doctor or bio engineer on its face.

    22 make 120k? Bruh you are killing it. You do need to accept, on its face, UPS driver seems lackluster. So how you present it can benefit you. Share you with in an industry that allows you to make a fantastic living, one that most wouldn’t expect but you enjoy the work and the life it provides you. Have her take a guess. Tell her UPS driver and own that shit. I think it’s fine for her to say I didn’t expect that. I think that is fair. Now if she’s obsessed on it or shits on it, kick her to the curb. At least I’m that manner she may be excited, at least see some of your qualities (hard work, happy with you life, job) prior to just saying UPS driver

  11. It’s just a matter of marketing yourself.

    😒✋️ Driver for UPS

    🙂👉 Supply chain maestro for multinational logistics company

  12. I’m married, but I thought my previous UPS guy would have been a real catch for any woman. He was always so kind and carried treats for my pup and called her his girlfriend. lol.

    My husband is a veteran and one of his veteran buddies started working for USPS. He was always so helpful, sweet, and kind. Him and his wife have a lovely home and the most adorable two kiddos.

    If somebody is knocking you on a first date for your job, 1. they’re shallow and materialistic 2. they’re uneducated because delivery drivers really do make good money 3. they’re rude for bringing this up on a first date.

    In short, this is a red flag for them, not you.

  13. In all seriousness- don’t tell them how much you make as a driver at all. If one sticks around even though she thinks you’re broke, she’ll be the one you want around anyway.

  14. Anyone who says this honestly has no idea what they’re talking about, UPS is a pretty cushy job. Are you… Only dating certain types of girls who expect a fancy job? Or are they just so young that they don’t know?

    Honestly don’t care what a guy does as long as they’re happy and can support themselves in somewhat of a similar lifestyle as me. It’s not gonna work if someone is living paycheck to paycheck or something but I don’t really care how you get that money (as long as it’s, y’know, legal).

  15. If they’re gonna knock you for it, don’t even bother going any further than the 1st date. Any woman worth a damn is not going to judge you for your career. Wisdom aside, I find it objectively hilarious that they’re knocking you, considering the cliche stereotype that women are money-grabbers.

    Women will always show men how they want to be loved with their actions, and once they get comfy with ’em, will expect him to reciprocate said early actions. If she’s gonna hate, flounce. You don’t need that toxicity.

    Best of luck out there. Dating is nightmarish anymore.

  16. Who gives a fuck. Kick her to the curb
    I’m a truck driver who owns a house and has a great looking girlfriend.
    There is good people out there my friend.
    This gal isn’t one of them.
    Move on

  17. Sounds like you need to find women to date not little girls. UPS drivers NOW have amazing pay and benefits! Even if you went all the way through a degree, you’d be hard pressed to make that much again.

  18. I go on a lot of dates with guys who don’t even work at all. I would be happy to find someone who even had any job at all, regardless of pay.

  19. If you put your work in your profile or you mention it via chat before you meet, you can filter out those women

    It’s the trash taking out itself.

    Its for the better because you truly dont need people with attitudes like this in your life.
    No one does.

  20. Bro, I get it, I’m an Air Force flier. I’m used to all the bashing and misunderstanding of my job.

    The ladies don’t care about the reality of my job (I’m a Reservist whose orders have me working in an office 9/10 days, and only going on short work trips every other month.) I’ve met a couple who think I’m an emotionally distant domestic abuser in the waiting because I fly airplanes in a pickle suit.

    Many have two narratives in their head, the one for themselves and the dream life they deserve with their ideal guy, and the narrative for you picking out every minor flaw, real or perceived, as a justification for why you don’t deserve to date her (or anyone else.)

  21. maybe try dating a better class of women??? who the hell brings up income on a first date???

  22. I’m a feeder driver as well.

    All the girls I’ve been with love the uniform.

    There’s no shortage of women that love the UPS man.

  23. 36f here. Id be proud to marry a trucker. I mean, it would suck when he’s gone. But generally hard workers who are compensated well for such work

  24. Idk what you’re talking about man. I’ve been talking to all of my girl friends about americas most eligible bachelors, the UPS drivers 🫡

    But for real, the girls you’re going out with sound lame and shallow. If you’re happy with your job and it makes ends meet, who tf cares. You’ll find someone cool enough to get it one day 🙂

  25. Look… girls who give you shit about your job are doing you a favor. They are showing that 1. They are ignorant 2. They are superficial … and if you are looking for a real relationship that’s not somebody you want to have it with.

    I have an advanced degree and make 6 figures. However, I never look down at anybody’s job or salary. What I care about is what are they doing with their life choices… strong work ethics and good family values are more important than any title.

  26. That’s so bizarre and fucked up. I’m a teacher with a master’s degree, which women seem to love, and you make twice what I do. A friend of mine from my school actually quit and is driving for USPS now, and he says it’s so much better than teaching. I’ve seriously been considering doing the same.

  27. Dude do not say how much money you make until you realize that she is really into you AND you decide that she is the one.

  28. Stop telling these women how much you make… they’re just gonna use you like they all do

  29. As a girl if I heard you worked for UPS I would be impressed cause it looks like hard work, and I already know y’all make moolah so kind of embarrassing for them honestly

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