So I’ve been single for a very long time, and ended up experimenting with guys, and along the way, I guess I acquired certain tastes.

I’m never sure if it makes me gay or bi to have experimented with men, and I’m new to Reddit and all, figured I’d maybe ask Reddit about it.

I don’t go out and online dating never works, so you know it was uphill battle to find a woman, especially because I don’t have a career and make minimum wages and women seem to want a “stable” man whatever that’s supposed to mean.

I mean yeah, just wonder what Reddit thinks I guess. It’s been so long since I’ve been with woman, and one thing good about being with men is that you don’t have to worry about cumming too quick since I can’t really last longer than 5 minutes if I pace myself. Gotta say it’s good to not worry about that to be honest.


  1. I’m the same way. I like the noncommittal hookups I can get with guys but ultimately I want a woman partner.

    I view sex with other men as just a thing to do. No emotion, quick way to get off and is usually purely selfish.

    I view sex with women as more intimate and something that I am putting more emotional effort into.

  2. Meh you are bi but who really cares as long as whoever you are with makes you happy sexually and otherwise

  3. If you are getting turned on by (and having sex with) men in addition to women, you are bisexual. At the very least, you are heteroflexible.

    As others have mentioned, you don’t have to worry about labels. Just enjoy what you enjoy. If you continue to label yourself as straight though, I’d say you are lying.

  4. Think of it this way. If you have a chance to have sex with an alien, say she’s Starfire from Teen Titans, or maybe she’s a twi’lek from star wars. You banged that alien pussy once, and you didn’t like it. Would that make you a xenophobic? Vice versa, if you like it, would that make you racist for having the uh, xeno fever? The greeks men fucked each other too, I don’t think they would identify as gay. Now by definition, having sex with the same sex is gay. BUT, if you find out you won’t enjoy it, that would just prove you’re super straight.

    To sum up my point, having a curiosity doesn’t necessarily make you gay if you isn’t actually sexually attracted to men.

  5. attracted to men? yes you are gay or bi. being curious on explore without feeling attract to guys? no you are not

  6. OP, you can at least be considered Bi. If you like both sexes etc. If you are solely into men, then that is what gay means typically.

  7. I used to feel this way. I had strange feelings for dudes and just considered them weird exceptions. Eventually tho I just decided “fuck it, I’m bi” cause I liked the sound of it!

    On that note, no. Contrary to what people say, sexuality is your choice, not someone else’s

  8. You are what you’re comfortable identifying with.
    You don’t have to identify yourself if you don’t want to.
    Nobody but you has a say on what you are.
    What other people think does not matter.

  9. I wouldn’t say its gay to experiment. Im not attracted to men per say, but i do enjoy anal sex. So much so, that if my girlfriend and i were to ever have a threesome with another guy, i would prefer him to be bi. If she’s getting another dick, I want it my ass too, lol.

  10. I was in a similar situation years ago. Women were looking for guys with money, fancy house etc, and I was young and just starting out. Guys were just horny and looking to get off.

  11. If you’re sexually attracted to guys, I’d say that you’re at least bi but labels are all over the place. I’m an orally bi guy in that I have no desire to romance, fuck, get fucked, or do anything else with a guy. In fact, I only blow straight guys so I can be assured that things never get complicated. To my surprise, there are TONS of guys like me, and even more to my surprise, a lot of them consider themselves straight because they’re not attracted to guys, per se, they just like sucking dick. I’d say that these guys are at least minimally self-deceived, but to each his own.

    Conversely, I do not see the guys I blow as bi because they’re not attracted to me and are not getting off because a guy is blowing them, they’re basically just taking advantage of an uncomplicated BJ that’s always on offer from a guy they trust. Guys will do just about anything to get off from fucking greased up sandwich bags to warmed up fruit. And who hasn’t hooked up with women who are unattractive but who are offering a warm wet hole? Sometimes the path of least resistance is best. Anyway, point being, in this case like any other, I think attraction is key, not the actual physicality of the interaction.

    And yeah, the not getting off too fast thing can be a winner. I’ve helped at least a couple guys get over a hair trigger with women because when I’m blowing them, they don’t have the attraction or “hotness” component towards me that would have them busting too fast with a woman. I’d help them learn their reactions and their bodies better so that they could get more self-control during hookups with women. With me, they also knew that if they failed and were trying to hold off but didn’t, it would be no big deal because I’m just a bud and we’d laugh it off. There would be none of the soul crushing judgement that you might feel in the same situation you would with a woman.

  12. All the people saying labels don’t matter haven’t been in a relationship where they were someone’s beard.

  13. In my opinion, if you experiment with the same sex you’re not straight. Male or female. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

  14. Well, AznBlackManWorshiper, I wouldn’t consider sex with men to be particularly “straight” activity lol. Is there a reason that you prefer to think of yourself as straight?

    I’m a bisexual woman with a preference for women, but it’s easier to attract men and as a result, I’ve slept with more men than women. I am still very much bisexual.

  15. We call that the “wandering ronin” and its a path much less travelled. There are dozens of us. DOZENS

  16. Definitely gay. Straight men don’t mess around with other guys sexually. Nothing wrong with that bro but yes it makes you gay

  17. well this seems very simple..
    a) are you romantically attracted to guys?
    If yes to a, you may be bi.

    b) are you ONLY romantically attracted to guys?
    If yes to b, you may be gay.

  18. i mean its definitely not a heterosexual move to be a man doing men.. but its okay to do whatever you like doing! Who cares about the label! I have some guy friends ive heard similar things from, like they are having so much trouble with dating or finding women and they would rather be with women but they are okay enough being with men so they just do that, so like if sexuality is a spectrum maybe yall are closer to the into women side of the spectrum, but not fully hetero, so its often between man on man action or no action, i guess… which is fine.. but im sorry that its not going well with the women if thats what you also want 🙁

  19. Modern flexibility aside, this isn’t experimentation. You’ve been sleeping only with men (not trans women, not femboys, etc.) for ages, so yes, you’re certainly bi or gay by most people’s standards. But that’s fine, obviously.

  20. No experience determines your sexuality. Your attraction does. If you’re attracted to men only you’re gay, if you’re attracted to women only you’re straight and if you’re attracted to both your bi. Doesn’t matter who you’ve been with. (There are other sexual identities as well but those are the most common ones).

  21. Finding out if you’re gay or not isn’t gay. You try things out and if you liked it/want to do it again maybe you are. But, just checking it out… no. I often wonder how people know they aren’t gay if they have never experimented with the same sex. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  22. Experimentation is usually something people do to explore their sexuality.

    Just trying it? Doesn’t mean you’re not straight.

    Enjoying it? Probably means you’re not straight.

    There’s nothing wrong with not being straight

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