I always looked around ever since I was little. I would also get called out for staring at people in school. Seeing sights, people, and scenery seem interesting to look at.I feel like it got worse once I started working at a retail store. My eyes would wonder many times scanning the store.To the point the place I worked at did not like it.Eventually,asked someone to help stop me stop staring. The person they asked worked at the same retail store, but different location. I went to the location the person they asked to help me stop staring.( Not knowing it was the store and person they asked worked there)

They were the cashier at the time and I was wondering why they had their head turned. (The entire time they looked away)The person told me I don’t have to look at you when I talk to you. Then they explained how they knew someone from a different store and they told about me. They were asked to help me stop staring. They proceeded to ringing everything up while looking away.

  1. Hopefully it worked or don’t crucify yourself over your natural behavior. 🦫❤️☹️

  2. I don’t really think there is anything that can be done other than you training yourself to be mindful of starting at people. You don’t need to defend the concept of enjoying observing the world around you. That’s a trait almost all people share, its just most of us don’t have an issue with staring. The problem isn’t necessarily looking at people, it’s for long periods of time. It just needs to be in the back of your mind at all times that you are a starer, pay attention to what you’re looking at and avert your gaze before it becomes socially inappropriate. I know this sounds like “just don’t”, but just don’t is kind of the only answer here. You gotta pay attention to yourself and what you’re doing, and make it a habit until it becomes natural

  3. I calmed my own staring problem by asking myself if there is any new information I can get from staring any longer. If not, I stop- but also keep my other senses available to that thing or person.

  4. I also have a starring problem 🥲🥲. I swear I’m not creeping im just observing my surroundings

  5. Do you ever realize yourself you are staring?
    Maybe try counting, so whenever you look at someone, count to 2 and look elsewhere

  6. Staring is rude and it makes most people uncomfortable, try to remind yourself that all the time and think if you felt ok if you were stared at like you are an alien or a freak, u wouldnt like that would you? eventually you will stare less by realizing these concepts.

    Second thing is extremely important: your mind is not busy enough. Try to make it more busy; learn new things, could be anything maybe start learning how to play an instrument, new language or just any thing that is new and fascinating when you do that you will stare less because not only your mind will be focused more on that but also your attitude will widen, because you will become more inteligent and intelligent people stare much less, because their mind is preoccupied with other more interesting things and they also realize that staring is not a good thing to do and it is very unprofessional.

    You stare because your mind is not busy enough and you dont realize that your staring makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

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