I’m sorry for asking such a stupid question, but I’ve been dealing with this for a while now and it’s really messing up my confidence. I’m at my wits end and I don’t know what to do. Its come to the point where I’m scared to go outside.

Please suggest me reasons why this might be happening, you can ask whatever you want and I’ll answer. What would make you stare at someone in public or give a strange look?

Of course not everyone does this, but a lot of people do. Please help me regain my confidence

  1. When I pay attention to passerby’s I also feel like they’re staring at me weirdly. I think it’s just being too self-conscious. After all I am probably also looking like I’m staring at someone when I’m just blankly gazing ahead lost in my thoughts. I know it feels stressful, but I am sure it has nothing to do with your looks.

  2. Ignore them, you’re either not getting weird looks (they’re normal and your brain is making them weird) or you’re getting weird looks because you’re afraid of getting weird looks.

    Put on headphones and hoodie, have an internal dialogue, focus on what you’re doing.

  3. Can you elaborate on “weird?” Is it a look of fear? Of disgust? Of amusement? Does it come from kids? Seniors? Both men and women?

  4. Do you have resting bitch face? Because I do and this totally happens to me. Usually I’m just daydreaming about some nerdy shit and people think I’m furious lol

  5. Either you’re just weirdly attributing things to them that you are afraid of, or you look weird

  6. Quick question: are *you* staring?

    For a while I thought people were staring at me all the time, until I realized *I* was staring trying to spot people staring. And it turns out people were weirded out by me. Go figure.

  7. When I was in 5th grade , my science teacher would always look at me and mumble something while talking through the lesson. This really messed me up as I felt unliked and different. As I’m much older now, I am thinking I had probably a very weird facial expression that perhaps he thought I’m making fun of him or being impolite. I’m also aware now that I’m probably on the spectrum which is probably why I may have not been self aware of my facial expression.

  8. People are weird looking alot if the time, just assume they have a nasty case of shits and make sure you aren’t downwind of them to avoid the stench.

  9. Because you’re looking to see if people are looking at you weird. Whatever you look for in life you will find. Change your mindset. I’m not saying people are telepathic but there’s something going on beyond our senses.

  10. In many cases where people think they’re getting weird looks by strangers, they are actually the one giving weird looks to others. If someone is giving me a look like that, I’m going to look back like “Dude, what’s your deal? Do you want something?” So, if someone looks at people like that **all day**, all they’re going to get back is that “dude, what’s your deal?” look in return. If they’re not aware that they’re the one initiating this weird interaction, then obviously they’re going to think it’s everyone else’s problem.

    Otherwise, unless you stand out in a major and obvious way, people are looking at you normally, just as much as they are looking at anybody else. It’s normal.

  11. If people only give you these looks when they’re close to you and not on the other side of the street or something, it could be linked to your smell. I’ve found myself staring at people in a disgusted way when they stink, so maybe it’s that. I really don’t hope this is the case for you, but then again: At least this is a problem you could easily fix.

  12. There’s an old guy at my gym who always gives me weird looks for no reason. It’s got to a point where I just glare back at him until he looks away lol

  13. Don’t stare at them. Avoid eye contact in that way you can’t be so conscious looking at you.

  14. I feel like if I was constantly paying attention to how people look at me while in public, I could probably work myself into being paranoid.

    It’s so normal for people to look you in the eyes as you walk by. When you drive, it’s literally the law to try and look people in the eyes to make sure they know what’s going on. Eye contact can create more safety.

    Also as a woman, I was taught to ALWAYS look men in their eyes as I walk by them, as to assert my dominance and protect myself. It’s like saying, “I’m not afraid to look at you and I’m not afraid to take you on either motherfucker, so don’t mess with me.”

    It’s healthy to look at someone oncoming to make sure you’re not going to run into each other. And people love to “people watch.” It’s a form of studying human psychology and how people react to different situations.

    If I payed attention to everyone who looked at me, how long they looked at me, and studied what their facial expressions are, first of all – I’m the one staring, and second, I’m the one creating this situation.

    Not everyone is going to smile as they walk by you or drive by you but it’s a safety technique to look at oncoming people walking, driving, etc. If you take the bus or something, maybe bring a book with you to read. Otherwise I think this has more to do with your mindset. Don’t pay it so much mind that people look at you. Everyone looks at each other. It’s most likely not personal.

    If you think it’s personal, smile back, or wave. Maybe they are staring and that’s s polite way to say, “stop staring at me.”

  15. I sometimes find myself staring at pretty people or just looking at them repeatedly. At the same time I myself don’t control my facial expression so it could come off as sad or angry. Btw those people are not always conventionally beautiful, just having some interesting defining features, clothes combo or “color season”, the way changing light (on public transit) plays with their appearance. I don’t think that anything is wrong with you, people may find your appearance interesting in some way shape or form. If you feel uncomfortable, my suggestion is to wear sunglasses when you can.

  16. Or you either more attractive than you think or way more ugly than expected. It’s usually attraction that keeps people’s attention

  17. no.1-ignore
    no.2-stare back until you get a real reaction
    no.3-say hello and confuse them

  18. Don’t let it bother you. Who cares what other people think of you. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Don’t let anyone’s opinion influence you. 9 times out of 10 people misjudge others. It’s easy to misjudge then to take the steps/efforts into knowing and understanding that person. Or maybe you just had a bugger hanging out your nose😂 I’m kidding. Make yourself understand that whatever people say or do you won’t let those words or “looks” rattle you.

  19. mabe you are attractive or people think you habe a nice style.
    or maybe you are stressing yourself wayy too much bcs of this. i also get a lot of weird looks in public but tbh i just think like: yo wtf why is he looking so weird. and then i also lookweird at them sometimes or i just go and dont care.
    why do you care when STRANGERS look at you weird? i guess everyone looks at someone „weird“ sometimes wirhout even noticing

  20. Not saying that you don’t get wierd looks, but now that you are feeling concious about it you are primed to notice more often or interpret a neutral expression as negative. Staring at others anticipating a wierd look could even provoke additional ‘wierd looks’

    I find it can help to get reassurance from friends and then in public you can ask yourself if you care more what random strangers are thinking about you or your friend who you trust and are close with think about you.

    Plus wierd looks aren’t necessarily a bad thing, maybe u have a unique face, look like a celebrity, have one of those faces that seem recognisable. Maybe you walk or carry yourself in a notable way. And possibly yes, resting bitch face. Wierd looks can feel uncomfortable but 90% of a time it’s just people seeing something more notable compared to all the other detail they usually filter out day to day.

    Didn’t really answer your question as I don’t have enough info to go off, but hope this is helpful.

  21. Maybe have your headphones on and listen to music or podcasts or something to get your mind off of it a little bit. That helped me a lot. But also remember that most people are also really self conscious, it’s just that they’re either distracted or better at covering it

  22. Maybe you’re handsome. Happened to me after I lost weight and started to take really basic self care

  23. This is probably you not other people…now if you’re insanely pretty…or ugly…or you have huge boobs or some kind of cut off arm or something…then I could see people possibly staring…but it shouldn’t get to the point where you don’t want to go outside…

  24. I personally think people are curious by nature and often times, bored. If you are using your phone, they might be curious what you are reading or doing simply because they have “nothing better to do” or because they are nosey. If you look at someone, there is a chance they will look back and vice versa. Just curious, typical, regular behavior. If it bothers you, do your best to not look at people, obviously you have to be careful no one is in your space for safety reasons, but just don’t look and ignore them. One question, how old are you now? Is this something you’ve always dealt with or a newer thing? If it would make you feel better, set up an appt with your primary care doctor. If you are feeling anxious, thinking people are staring at you might make you more anxious. Maybe some therapy or possibly a medication could help. Good luck!

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