So, I have a date with this girl tomorrow and what the friend that introduced us said that what she told him is that I have an obvious social problem because of the way I was during the conversation when we met. She hasn’t lost her interest, but she felt I wasn’t listening her and that’s going to be a problem if I don’t fix this. Not only with her but in general.

She’s not that wrong considering I don’t have that much friends (3) also I go out just once a week. The thing that makes it also really obvious is the fact of my ADHD sometimes makes my head work like if I was under meth influence (literal words from an ex-adict friend) I don’t talk fast or stuff like that, but it’s true I’m very used to talk in the way I talk with my only three friends.

I just need a way to disimulare it and being able to talk like a normal person. To make her feel like I’m listening and I’m interested. I just want her to feel comfortable and listened, but how?

  1. Only tip I can confidently give Is like don’t make the convo about you. Try to always turn the conversation about them so they can talk and share about themselves and not feel like overwhelmed by you and like annoyed because you don’t let them speak or think your self centered. If you feel like you’ve talked to much about yourself try to tie it back to them by asking them a question based on your previous conversation.

  2. There’s nothing complicated about it.
    Just talk when it’s your turn and listen when it’s not.
    Don’t ramble but keep the conversation going.
    This is why I like movie dates tbh.
    You don’t have to talk during the movie but you’ll have something to talk about when it’s over.

  3. Ping pong, tell her something about yourself short and brief an interesting story or thing then ask her to share something similar, branch out from there. Sprinkle some humor (no sarcasm or offensive jokes, usually clean puns are good) and bamn your good.

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