People who have the confidence and or internal experience that allows them to fully appreciate music on the bus… Quietly head bopping/ body swaying…

If someone stops you and seeks your headphones off to speak to you…

Tells you they are concerned about you because they think you are high…

Is it okay to tell them you’re worried they’re miserable? Like what is the proper response here?

  1. So unclear.

    It depends on how you re related with the person. Like do you even know him/her ? Or just seeing constantly on the bus ?

    if you dont know the person i think its unnecessary to talk with him/her

    if you know the person, just ask if he/she is okay ? Dont include miserable part.

    If you re friends with this person, just invite him/her to dinner or coffe and learn whats happening with his/her life.

    If you allready know the problem and care about this person, just be there for him/her and thats enough.

    if you re the person who get talked to by someone else , and wanna be polite just say “thank you for your concern but thats none of your bussiness”.

  2. I just respond that i happen to be happy while im mostly miserable 90% of the time at the moment. Shuts them up and i get to keep vibing. Also i guess context helps on how they ask me.

    You dont have to explain yourself unless YOU want too and even then.

    I catch myself dancing to any kind of beat i hear though the day.

  3. Just say “no, but you must be to have the confidence to accuse a random stranger of being on narcotics.” You’re not hurting anyone or disturbing anyone. Unless you’re tapping your foot, if that’s the case then stop, that’s probably really annoying. But if you’re silently enjoying yourself and keeping to yourself, then anyone interrupting you and being rude is just that, being rude.

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