So it probably started with the 4thl day in my new school when we went to excursion with the class to “get to know eachother”.
At the time I was dreading it already cause of my social anxiety and because of people finding out im autistic which they would find out anyways later cause of my little tics but I still havent accepted it..

Anyway after that day was over one guy started saying my family name with a -sir added to it really loud (yes this sounds stupid and read the rest) and laughing at me. Now I didnt, and still dont know how to handle it (I cannot stand up for myself so I think that made it 10x worse).

After a while other kids in the class started picking up on it and now its to the point where I walk in and around 5 people laugh at me entering. I have literally never done one single bad thing to them, never even talk to them really.

Also someone called me a dog during my anxiety attack cause (I assume) I looked really nervous, but even then that was completely unwarranted.

I cannot stand up for myself in any capacity however I do beĺieve i have told some of them to stop.

What do I do? I been thinking about telling the class teacher cause at the start of school he said to come and talk to him if theres anything but even then.. what could he possibly do

Ps: If this reads like something that would happen in middle school well I am embarassed to say we the class are between the ages of 16-18

TL:DR I am getting mocked even “bullied” for unknowing reasons (I suspect cause I am autistic and social anxious) Its kind of hurting my ego now what do i do? I havent stood up for myself and feel like my whole schoolyear is ruined because everyone saw how spineless I am.

  1. One thing I havent mentioned is that one of the reasons I ignored this for so long (4weeks) is because I’ve been on this mindset that Im only here to study and dont really need to care about others and that I dont need friends, which obviously is I think just an excuse for myself to not socialise i guess…

  2. People your age are dicks and it’s OK to be yourself. Try to keep good posture and dress in a way to feel confident.

  3. It’s best not to give bullies like this the reaction that they want, i.e. upset or angry. Yes this is harder than it sounds, but you rob them of the power they feel over you if you just smile and shake your head then go on about your business as if their bullying means nothing. Ultimately it doesn’t, it’s just a fart in the wind. Doesn’t mean anything.

  4. Autistic 37yo here.
    Difficult as these things are, you’re bigger man already by what they see is ignoring them, when they shout it or say it, with what energy you have, you put that into not giving a damn f*ck what these losers are saying, I thought they was going to be younger than you said, so it just shows how immature they are.
    If you have the energy to do so, when they insult you, without eye contact to them, laugh to your self, smile, because you can, because you’re already more mature than them and its showing you can take it (even if you are dying inside) don’t show them your bothered, express that when you are home and are safe to do so.
    If they ask what you smiling at, reply “Ahh, you wouldn’t understand” and carry on with your day, they wont understand why you’re smiling and they’ll be thinking what don’t they understand?..

    Older I got, more iv learnt to defend myself in non hostile ways or lower myself to their pettiness.

  5. It’s more about the bullies than you. You didn’t do anything wrong, a bully will call out anything and everything to try and get under your skin. They will bully whoever they can for any reason.

  6. You gotta stand up for yourself. You’ll never get the respect you deserve unless you can. The world is a savage place and it’s inhabitants can be wolves. They’ll eat you up if you let them.

  7. My advice is always with bullies is to start learning a martial art. Bullies are always looking for victims. It will take a bit of time, it isn’t a quick fix but one day you will either decide that you have had enough and punch them really hard or you will simply start carrying yourself differently and they will figure out that you are no longer a victim and look elsewhere.

    Just ibe clear, I am perfectly happy for you to break this assholes nose when you are ready.

  8. Middle School and High School years are the fucking worst. Everyone around those ages are annoying pricks and they’ll pick their peers apart over the smallest thing. What you need to do is either ignore it and finish the school year, stand up for yourself or have someone stand up for you.

    But I will tell you that it DOES get better after High School. You’ve already made it so far so keep pushing the goalpost is right there.

  9. As a teacher and someone who used to get bullied.

    1. Say to the person who started it “I don’t appreciate you doing that, stop”.
    2. Report to the teacher in writing that they’ve been doing it, follow up with well-being and leader ship as well, puts pressure on teacher to take action.
    3. Dickhead does it again, tell them to stop and report it again.
    4. If nothing gets done and they do it again, threaten them that if they don’t stop there will be consequences.
    5. If it happens again, punch them really hard in the nose and then step back (self defence). You’ll probably get in a bit of trouble, but you’ve stood your ground and people will learn not to fuck with you.

  10. First thing first …. ALWAYS remember not to take this stuff personally…. A bully will bully you no matter if you’re if you are the most social person in the world …. The most “normal” person ever …. The prettiest or hottest .. like bullies find a way. Because we all got something to make fun of right ?!?! It’s not even about you. It’s about them finding a form of entertainment. You sound like maybe the easiest target is all. My advice would be horrible .. but would be to insult them right back. Like maybe tell them they should use some mouthwash before they laugh that hard cause the stink is going down the hall. And when they say it’s you that is smelly …. Laugh and tell them they could have came up with a better comeback .. their was a little weak. Like ignoring them isn’t working.. you gotta get creative and really show them you aren’t bothered. They can probably tell by the literal look on your face that you’re bothered. I’m gonna get 100 downvotes. But I really wanted to give you some advice .. and this is all I got.

  11. Why can’t you stand up for yourself? Even not physically?

    Depending on how severe it got I’d definitely think about needing a physical intervention (if you get what I mean)

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