I have this friend, and he and I have some history. To sum in up, there have been plenty of times where he has been very disrespectful to me and making me feel bad in front of others. But sometimes he’s not all that bad and funny and I admit I have gotten mad at him for these things and did disrespectful things in return to him because after all the stuff he put me through I felt like he deserved a taste of his own medicine. It’s been back back and forth between me and him and now it seems that everything that I do he has to “one up” me and get back at me. We also have the same friends and go to the same parties and now we work at the same company and in the same training class and even in a band together. But I don’t think he likes me anymore and he and my roommate are both mad at me because of a multitude of reasons but their good friends and it almost feels like they both really hate me now because they don’t talk to me at these social events and they will throw in insults whenever I even say anything during a group conversation. So now I have a friend/coworker and my roommate that don’t like me and they don’t invite me to their hangouts that we used to do all the time and I don’t have any other friends to talk to and it’s really frustrating because I feel like they won’t respect me. Any advice on what I should do to work out?

1 comment
  1. You stood up for yourself and they didn’t like it. Would you like to continue being a punching bag if it meant you could be friends again?

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