I got a job through a distant cousin at the start of this year. Then a school friend of mine asks if they’re hiring and I refer her resume. Sometimes we consider each other ‘best friends’. She is one of the few or only people from HS I’m still somewhat tight with. She comes off as nice/caring, but there’s this subtle attitude she’s always had that I’m so sick of having to put up w everyday.

There’s was constant subtle drama and constantly feeling compared to her or left out (socially). ESP the love triangle when the fboy I was trying to get over starting trying to go after her. And the constant subtle drama with the other young people. For example, my own third cousin keeps inviting people from work to eat out after work and i’m NEVER invited. And recently the friend I referred has been invited to these girls nights, which I never know about. And Im trying not to care.

Which I don’t speak up about. I’m starting to miss having space from her since graduating high school many years ago. annoyed and sick of working with and seeing this close friend so bloody much.

She straight up just graduated her Uni degree and she’s wasting time at this dead end job. Ffs go do your internship thing already. I’m sick of seeing her all the time. It’s only temporary. She says she’s going to work here for the rest of the year then leave for her internship or work 1-2 days.

I’m thinking of going to uni next year as well. Just think it’s only temporary and things will be different next year, right?! I don’t understand the things that Ive been feelling either.

1 comment
  1. Unfortunately you open yourself up to this being a good person, now you have to become wiser. Next time an opportunity comes up where someone is looking for someone, you say nobody comes to mind. It took me years to write that, this simply. Be careful with helping friends and family out with jobs. You enable them to play on your heart strings and then you feel responsible for them, when they are not capable of being accountable for themselves. It’s ok to be kind and help others.However, be aware of the drowning person and the narcissistic ones, for they will pull you under with them.[advice] Let this finish playing out and it will be a great lesson if this scenario visits you again in your future life.

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