Hey I know I’m not part of the group yet but I am very desperate and I don’t know who to turn to so please help me.
I have my partner and I love him he’s a tiny bit under the average size and when we’re having sex and I get wet his lower friend gets soft and he tells me he don’t feel nothing also some positions kill the erections I don’t know if it’s me cuz my huha might be to big for him or is it to wet or is it him?
Btw I’m giving a bit more details to have a clear explanation I have 6 kids one is his. I don’t know if that has something to deal with also I am not bad looking I am for a nd don’t look like I have 6 kids. I take care of my vjj with vagina rejuvenation but even before him I never had a problem with anyone else but him. Please be nice when u comment to my post🙏🏽

  1. Some friction can be your friend and getting “too” wet can sometimes dampen sensation for ME and I assume it can also do the same for my partners though none have explicitly said so to date. But I’m also proactive so there is less of a need for them to say anything.

    I always have either a towel, toilet paper or tissue handy to go in and clean up a bit when things get extra slippery. If you’re worried about that killing the mood – dont be. Just say “oh my god – one sec, you’re making me so wet I’m dripping everywhere.” And by the time that sentence is done you’ll have been able to take away some excess and then say “much better I cant wait to feel you inside me again!” and proceed. And if anyone has a problem with you making sure everyones enjoying themself to the fullest – well, get a new partner!

  2. if you have 6 kids, i cant imagine he’s much younger than you, it might be the beginnings of erectile dysfunction. the vagina doesn’t get looser, sometimes with vaginal childbirth, the pelvic muscles weaken and the muscular tube can become… less muscular. doing kegels should fix that. sometimes if it’s too wet there can also be not enough friction, but it has to be pretty damn wet for that.

  3. My SO can get incredibly wet when we have extensive foreplay. It is a huge turn on for me. When we were a newer couple using condoms it could be an issue during penetration. With unprotected sex it is amazing.

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