
  1. You they like, texting they don’t like.

    Edit: OMG 1000 UPVOTES!
    I might have to make an exception and text you all first…… 🤗

  2. Could be that they do like you, but don’t feel like they know you well enough to know what to say to start a conversation.

  3. Yes, please dont stop texting them, i swear im the friend who never texts first, and i so fucking appreciate and love the friends who dont give up on me, it really lightens my world.

  4. I am that friend. I love my friends. I just don’t like/can’t focus sitting on my phone to keep a conversation going all day.

  5. I have a friend exactly like that. They rarely to never start a conversation bc they’ve said that they’re too shy to start one despite knowing each other for a whole year now. 😅 I hope for the day when they’re going to start conversations more. But they also reply late- 💀 It’s like they go afk after they’ve done talking even tho they saw me texting right away. Lol

    But they like me as a friend.

  6. I always reply and like people but always have anxiety to make the initial effort and reach out

  7. My friends and relationships I treat the same. If I’m doing all the work then it’s not a friendship or relationship.

    If you can’t text me hello once in a blue moon then you’re not worth my time. My family found out the hard way that if they don’t reach out I don’t exist to them.

  8. What about a friend who always texts but never replies. That is fucking frustrating. Picking up conversations a day or a week later. Should I pursue the relationship?

  9. Yes, if they answer back, most of the time they like you back. I’m that friend. I have one that texts me memes on Instagram all the time. I may not answer fast, but I do get to it at some point. I appreciate him a lot! If I don’t like you then I’d “forget” to see your message lol.

  10. I rely on other friends texting me as I am basically brain dead. I am literally a reply guy when it comes to people I love.

  11. If someone doesn’t reply to me, I do stop messaging after a point. I never want to disrespect boundaries. I feel so gross and ashamed when I get silence. It’s embarrassing. I retreat.

    If someone who stopped talking to me reaches out later, I will possibly reply briefly but not initiate because I don’t want to be a freak or disgust anyone. I also am unsure of their motive and feel uneasy, especially since it doesn’t make sense. If you ghosted me, well, silence tells me everything that I need to know about how someone feels about me. (Spoiler: it’s not good. A negative change in communication spells the beginning of the end). It just doesn’t add up, so I am naturally cautious and on-guard. And I am cautious and suspicious anyway. Give me a reason to not trust and yes, I’m going to be guarded to keep myself safe.

  12. Testing responsiveness is pretty 1:1 with them caring about a little bit. They may not be initiators.

  13. As an introvert who keeps myself busy i tend to just let the people i like most reach out to me.

    My biggest fear is reaching out to too many people then they all start responding on a regular basis and i get overwhelmed.

    So i try to reply to the people i like most and they end up being the ones i reserve my social energy for.

    So if your friend is like me: they like you for sure.

  14. This is me (and apparently many others here it would seem) will very rarely text someone, but if someone texts me, I will reply shortly if possible.

  15. Depends on how long they take to reply and whether or not they include you in other things.

  16. Depends on the reply. I’m that friend who will reply extensively and ask questions to keep things going, but doesn’t really reach out. I still really like talking to the people who reach out to me, though. I occupy myself with my hobbies a lot and don’t really reach out because I don’t know what to say and socializing is very exhausting (I’m autistic).

    If I don’t respond at all, I don’t really see the relationship worth engaging with, but only if the person only talks AT me and doesn’t mutually engage.

  17. One friend I’m not as up to date with anymore often messages me, I’m bad at getting back right away. But I often do think about messaging him first just that it’s always when I’m busy

  18. I’m so depressed that I don’t text first because it could lead to long conversations and I just don’t have it in me. 🤢

  19. I’m that person. I just enjoy being alone much and texting isn’t interesting if it’s frequent. Doesn’t matter that much if I like the person or not.

  20. Ima say I’m that person. I don’t text that often but I’ll jump in if I see something interesting going on and I always reply to my friends.

    If they ignore it or don’t get back to you for hrs or days at a time on a regular base, I’d say that’s not a friend.

  21. I’m just self involved or preoccupied but I’m always happy to hear from the people that text me. Sometimes my conversations via text take days or fizzle out but I enjoy them nonetheless.

  22. Inconclusive. Only thing you can say is that this person doesn’t prioritize texting you first. How are your in person interactions ? People show whether they like you or not in person by engaging in the present moment. It’ll be obvious there and then.

  23. I can’t be friends with people that never text me first. I clearly don’t matter to them. My self esteem would plummet if I’m the only one initiating. A true friendship requires effort on both sides. I’m not going to waste my energy on someone who will make me question my worth. If you never text first be a better friend.

  24. that’s me. i like everyone and don’t feel any need to text them. i am also happy alone. i just go with the flow if i get invited to hang out ill go hang out. if someone texts me something ill chat about it. but im happy doing nothing too i just go wherever i end up, like a rolling stonee. i don’t ask for anything from anybody just doing whatever really. if nobody ever texted me again i would keep myself busy. and if people reach out i’m always happy to say hi. content and chill either way

  25. I’m that friend. And people who know me know it about me too.

    I’ll hangout with you. Host you over. Do anything I can for you. At anytime of the day and year.

    I won’t text. It’s just not me.

  26. If they’re like me, they like you but are also afraid their presence secretly annoys you, so it takes a lot of mental reassurance to work up the nerve to text first.

  27. It could be that they like you but you are not in their inner circle.

    A closest friend of mine stopped texting first after about 10 years. She found new friends and they became her go to people. It happens.

  28. You’re not a priority to them, you’re not in their “circle”. They might like you enough to keep you around but not enough to initiate contact or think about you.

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