How has life gotten better for you since teen years?

  1. In every single possible way. I have more education, knowledge, experience, wisdom, freedom, independence, money, choice, options, etc. than I could have ever had as a teen. There isn’t enough money in the world to make me want to be a teen again; my life as an adult has been what I’ve made of it – and I’m very happy with who I’ve become and what I’ve built.

  2. More money, more freedom, more experiences, more fun. Fewer annoying people, fewer rules, fewer fucks to give.

  3. Jesus, what hasn’t gotten better?

    My mental health is better, the people I surround myself with are amazing, and I finally feel like I have a place I can call home.

  4. More independent, self sufficient, more intelligent and educated, mental health issues diagnosed and being treated, more capable in every way, in a loving relationship, have my own house, better friends, better relationship with my family, and on and on.

  5. Moving out from my parents house was the best thing that I ever did. I am the happiest I’ve ever been.

  6. I’ve gotten married to a great guy, graduated college, got my Masters, raised four children, traveled, working in a field I love, semi-retired my parents, and have more disposable income.

  7. The best part was definitely having my daughter, moving out of my parents house, and having the freedom to do whatever I want. When I grew up my parents were very controlling and I was grounded from 8th grade until 12th grade. Things have definitely gotten better, but I still feel like a 23 year old teenage girl.

  8. I have learned that no matter what happens, I get to be in control of my life. No one gets to tell me what to do. I can walk away from some bullshit so easily now. It’s great.

  9. It has, even when it had its up and down moments. I have more control of my life the way I envision it so im pretty content with that.

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