My dad is celebrating his 50th birthday . He is inviting a lot of his friends. It’s going to be a big party at a nice venue with drinks and music and food. My parents want me to invite some of my friends. I don’t have anyone to invite. I have a few friends but doubt they’ll come for my dad’s party. I’m feeling awkward.

My parents are forcing me to invite 2-3 girls who are not very close friends of mine. Idk why: maybe they want their friends to see that I have girl friends and some friends.

Idk what to do.

  1. I think your dad doesn’t have many female friends (or his male friends don’t have wives to bring), and so he is asking you to bring some female friends so as to have some eye candy at his party. Feels creepy.

    ETA: I am a woman, but if I was having a 50th birthday party, the only reason I might tell my sons to invite a friend would be so they wouldn’t be too bored with all the adults. But then I probably won’t do the whole party thing.

  2. I think he just wants you to have a girlfriend and he’s probably not that serious about actually inviting someone.

  3. Personally I would either tell my dad it’s ok im not inviting friends OR invite a couple of your close friends who have met your parents before. It’s more to keep your company is how I see it

  4. This sounds the classic case of “Call your friends so that you don’t get bored in the party, since a lot of people in the party would be from different age group”.

    It’s actually good advice especially if you have friends who could be willing to come. I have been to some parties like this and ngl it was actually good that the friend (whose parents threw the party) invited us.

    But if you don’t want to call anyone, just tell your parents you invited few but they couldn’t come due to some reason. You can also tell them you are fine with interacting with people from other age group

  5. If your friends won’t come chill w u at a party with free food and free drinks then maybe they aren’t real friends

  6. You’re overthinking it OP. Your parents want you to have company along with the food and drinks so you can also enjoy yourself. Perhaps they’d feel much better enjoying their party more as well knowing you have company around.

    This is an opportunity to at least try inviting friends and maybe initiating that level of friendship you say you don’t quite have.

    Instead of shutting it down without trying this sounds like it could be more fun by sharing it with people from your own crowd.

  7. Your parent’s friends aren’t going to expect your friends to turn up to your dad’s birthday.

  8. just call em, if they come then all this overthinking would’ve been for nothing, if they dont come take it like champ and move on, it will only help you in the future,

  9. I will say, as someone who is 23, I’d be pleasantly surprised if a friend invited me to something like this, even if we weren’t super close! Free food, music, chatting? Sounds nice. Some people might not agree to go, but honestly you might be surprised who says yes, and you might grow closer to them as a result

  10. Invite your friends if you want them at the party. Otherwise, your dad can invite his own friends. Idk your parents, but sometimes it’s better to just take the punishment rather than do what others want you to do. This is one of those cases. They’re your friends, you don’t have to invite them. Obviously you’ve got to judge it for yourself though. Idk your parents. If I didn’t want to invite people I’d do whatever I could to get out of doing it and just say screw that.

  11. I’d invite them. The worst they can say is no. At best, you can have a really good time with them. Personally, I wouldn’t turn down free food and drink… and I hate people! 😆

  12. This sounds like a great opportunity to make some friends, or at least upgrade some acquaintances to friends. “Hey, my parents are throwing a big catered party at xyz for my dads 50th and I can add xx people to the list. Do you want to come?” You’re right that they won’t care about his birthday per se, which is why you’re highlighting the catered part. And you’re creating a feeling of exclusivity by saying “only xx amount of people allowed”. Everyone loves a fancy exclusive catered party!

  13. It really sounds like it’s going to be a big event and they just want you to have people that you enjoy being around there. Also maybe they want to help you flex a little since they know they’re going all out a bit. I mean having a date to a party like this is a pretty big power move when it turns out you’ve had everything catered, and rented the venue.

    Not in a toxic sort of way, but more so it just says “were capable of putting our minds to something, organizing it, and making it happen”. Which is a more desirable trait than kids your age usually realize.

  14. it doesn’t really matter. just sounds like your dad wants to have a big party and make it fun for a lot of people! i hope your friends do want to come to the party!

  15. im not sure ur age op but… a lit party w food and drinks is a lit party w food and drinks. i would have invited my friends or been invited to a big 50th bday as a youth or as a young adult as well. bc everyone loves to enjoy some nice treats.

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