I (16M) am talking to a girl I really like (16F) but she has had sex before, 1 year ago a few times with her past boyfriend. I am wondering if it is normal for me to not want to have sex with her because of this, but I also don’t want to miss out and be a virgin until I’m 20, where few other partners are virgins still and it will be even harder than.

  1. there’s nothing wrong with having standards. you’re perfectly fine.

    edit: there’s nothing wrong with having standards *and preferences*

  2. Your too young to be asking yourself these questions. Your first won’t always be your “one and only true love”.

    Its also nice to do it with someone who has experience so you can learn from them. In the end, If you actually like this girl than you shouldn’t be overthinking this. Its not the end of the world either

  3. I wouldn’t say it’s normal. Tbh, most people don’t end up with the person they lost their virginity to. You’re 16, I’m sure you’ll meet more girls that you may experience sex with.

  4. I was like you when I was young, but then you will think you’ve found the one, lose your virginity yourself and the relation breaks up later on for some reason. Then you become more tolerant with women who are not virgin. To me there is still a difference between a woman that hooks up many many men, and a woman that just happens to end up in bad relationships so it’s not voluntarily.

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