I feel like short and socially anxious is the worst combination a man can have in dating. To make things worse I am 25 and just went back to college for a new major (meaning I’m broke) and live with my parents. Is there any hope for me at all on the dating market? I’ve been single since high school and I get some Tinder dates every now and then but usually they lose interest once they show up and see my height combined with my lack of social skills. Will I ever get a girlfriend? And do I need to get rich in order to get a girl like me even though I’m short and socially awkward?

  1. In my experience, I have a friend who is 5’4 (and not rich in any monetary way), and a total womanizer, so that’s not the issue here, especially since you cannot change that. What you can change, is your social skills, and there are a lot of free rescources to help you with that online. One important thing, none of these will work, if you don’t go and apply them as much as possible.

    Best of luck!

  2. i was interested in a 5’5 guy but he as a liar so i had to stop liking him, he had a lot of girls interested in him regardless of his height

    Whoever will like you for you ! 🙂 not your height, honestly some girls height doesn’t really matter as long as they’re taller and for the average height for a woman being 5’4 in america there’s a good pool of woman for you! I’m not sure how hard it is getting girls or dates being 5’5 but i hope not hard.

  3. My advice is to focus less on the goal of getting a girlfriend. Just focus on getting more dates first. Then focus on being a good date. Then continue previous steps until someone asks to be your girlfriend.

  4. Lol…. Yes trust yes east honestly but the broke part is an issue not because you broke more like it’s affecting your overall confidence

  5. U had mentioned 4 times that combo “issue”, work your self-esteem first…. Then everything works out.

  6. Remember, short king: they’re all the same height when they’re lying down

    Ok not literally, but trust: some of us PREFER our treasures to be fun-sized

  7. Yes u can stop doubting urself confidence is attractive most people.wont notice ur social anxiety if u don’t tell them about it

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