Had a first date with a girl on Saturday and it went very well. Heard from her shortly after our date that she had such a fun time. Next day we texted a little, but she was busy and I know not a huge text convo person which is cool. Didnt reach out yesterday. This morning I reached out to confirm plans for Thursday that we talked about, and haven’t heard anything since. I plan on waiting until tomorrow to reach out again if I don’t hear back. Has anyone dealt with this situation where the first date seemed to go well, but momentum is slow to the second date? How have you navigated it?

  1. I would just wait this one out to see what happens with Thursday. Maybe she is just busy. Golden rule is actions speak louder than words. A person might say they had a good time, but then they just avoid you.

    I usually just sit back and see how the person acts. If the actions match the words, cool.

  2. In this situation, it’s important to give her some space and time to respond. If you don’t hear back after waiting for a reasonable period, you can reach out again with a casual and friendly message to confirm plans, but be prepared for different outcomes.

  3. What do you know about girls and their phones?

    If she’s a typical girl, it’s rarely out of her hands much less out of her reach.

    If you aren’t getting fairly quick responses she’s not into you, she’s just trying to ‘be nice’ until you give up.

    A girl that’s really into you is waiting for your text.

  4. Bro i had a woman dead ass tell me “I don’t wanna ruin it but this is so perfect” after our first date. We both agreed a week in advance for a hockey game second date. After confirming she never texted me again and when i showed up to her door at the agreed upon time for me to pick her up she had two dude in her room and they were all getting drunk. I actually cried that night because she got to have the night she wanted after literally being a piece of shit and i got shit for days from my roommate and other friends. To this day iv’e had women do different acts that were at a similar piece of shit level and never get the karma the deserve. Basically as a man get used it cause idk wtf I gotta do to get women to not brutally reject me in ways i never saw coming

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