My husband had a female friend years ago when we were dating, who he ended up messing around with during our brief breakup. We got back together and worked through it but her name is Alexa and I hear it all over. How do I stop cringing whenever I hear that name? It brings back bad memories no matter how great of a day I’m having

  1. Why does it bother you to hear her name? Is it jealousy? I feel like you have to just accept the fact that it happened, but you won. You’re his wife. That’s just about as high up as you can be in someone’s life. Hearing her name shouldn’t bother you if you are confident in yourself.

  2. Sounds like a trauma response. The psychological literature says the only way to overcome a trauma response is exposure therapy to the stimuli. So allow yourself to experience the memories. Take it as far as your mind can go. Explore what’s the worst case scenario of fear or anger or whatever emotion occurs when you hear the name. Emotional processing fully is clinically proven to either eliminate or soften the automatic reactive response you have to the fear stimuli aka Alexa

  3. Had a similar situation but my ex husband cheated on me with a girl with the same name as me 💀 not gonna lie it was hard to face, but learn not to gives a flying F. You choose your happiness I would not give them a time of day to make me feel how THEY want me to feel. Seek therapy and learn to let the negativity go.

  4. Others suggested trauma response therapy. That is the correct answer.

    Another suggestion is to switch from Amazon’s to Google’s voice assistant 👍

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