Now that i write the title i realize it may sound a bit over dramatic, but hear me out.

My gf and I are together since forever, and soon we’ll get married, we are very happy and everything is going well.
It happened recently though, like 3 times, that she cried just after sex (like 70% cry 30 laugh), and she always said she was super okay and that it was amazing.
To be fair, we went at it with quite some, emphasis… But not that much more than usual.

Has anyone had a similar experience?
Girls of reddit, did it ever happen to you?

  1. Take it as a compliment. That’s a very strong, ( usually) positive experience. She’s reached a level of comfort with you that, when she orgasms, it’s an emotional release. Don’t overthink it.

  2. Is it an emotional cry or is it something physical that’s making her cry

    i’ve cried after sex lots of times with my current bf never anyone else sometimes sex is just meaningful but sometimes there can be something bothering me and after sex i feel more sensitive and i can just express it through crying

  3. My partner gets orgasms(occasionally) where she gets over stimulated, then starts pushing me off, and starts laughing/crying/shaking. Sounds like you’re doing everything right.

  4. This is normal. I’ve had it happen a few times. It’s like feeling so overwhelmed by the feelings in your body that the tears just flow.. I can’t really explain it but as long as she’s saying she’s okay you should take her word for it. You’re likely doing a REALLY good job to illicit this reaction

  5. It’s called a crygasm. It’s more common than you think. Sex makes some people very emotional or it can be overwhelming, and those emotions gotta come out, hence the crying. Just do your standard aftercare.

  6. I haven’t like full on chest-heaved wept after sex, but I definitely have teared up more than once. If she says it was super OK and that it was amazing, she is telling the truth. She is crying of joy. She is deeply in love with you

  7. Happens to me all the time. Sex and orgasm is a big rush of hormones. If I’ve been stressed or dealing with repressed emotions, it all comes out during or after sex. Often times it’s tears of happiness, and sometimes it’s just me feeling overwhelmed. It’s cathartic and my fiancé makes me feel safe when it happens.

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