I have a friend who is in an open relationship. Based on what they’ve told me, it seems they would prefer a monogamous relationship buy their partner wants an open relationship so they are going along with it. In a recent conversation, my friend made the comment that I could hook up with her partner if I wanted to. Their partner isn’t someone I would hook up with in any circumstance, so it’s not going to happen but I feel like it would end up a messy situation if I did.

If you had a friend who told you that you could hook up with their partner if you wanted to, what would you do?

  1. Say thanks but no thanks. They aren’t my type. This sounds like the truth. I don’t think it’s insulting at all. Your friend and you just have different tastes.

  2. I would politely decline. At best you’ll have sex with someone who’s not looking for any kind of relationship with you. That’s not hard to find. At worst, you’ll loose a friend.

    I would also try to talk to my friend to understand why they’re suggesting this, what’s going on with their relationship, and if they need some support.

  3. To be honest, for me your friend is stupid. Normal people won`t think like that and let their partner be f**k by other.

    If I were you, better advice him that girls are not tools and should be respect, if he did not listen just let him do what he want, better break your friendship because it will only corrupt you, your physical and mental health

  4. With the context that they aren’t fully down with it, I wouldn’t do it, can’t see a scenario where one hookup is worth risking a friendship. I’m poly and have no issue with consensual nonmonogamy, but in my experience if anyone in the mix isn’t 100% onboard it never ends well. Hopefully your friend will either start enjoying this (if it turns out it’s a case of working on feeling secure and dealing with jealousy) or realise it’s not for them and leave, anything else is just gonna be bad for their mental health.

  5. So im guessing your a eoman and your friend is a woman

    1.that relationship is not going to work out openrelationshisp always lead to failure more so only when one is on board

    2.whatever you do or dont do things will get messy when your friend of friends partner stats evening the scores

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