I understand squirting is – maybe not controversial – but definitely a divisive topic, even among some scientists.

2018, I get married. 2021, I got on Lexapro due to mental health (great decision). Only one sexual partner, my current husband, 31m. I don’t orgasm vaginally EXCEPT in cases of dual oral and fingering. Most of my orgasms are therefore clitoral, which is also how I masturbate. I’m a fingers only gal, and I don’t often insert anything vaginally to masturbate.

I say all this to say this: I feel like 90% of the time I masturbate since getting on Lexapro, I’m squirting or peeing myself. Lexapro has made it harder to orgasm with my husband BUT I love sex again, and I have no problem orgasming by myself. I get horny way more easily. Previous to the medication, I assumed I was already becoming a dried up old married maid. So less orgasms from my partner but way more enthusiastic sex – I wouldn’t trade that.

So the big thing is I honestly don’t know why I’m squirting and/or peeing almost EVERY TIME I masturbate. Even if I plan it out and pee beforehand. Also, the smell varies from odorless to something more pee-esque. Does anyone know what I’m talking about??

*I’m just a reddit lurker, by the way. First time posting in any forum ever I think. Sorry if I did it wrong.*

1 comment
  1. They really aren’t that different. In substance, they are virtually the same. They come from the bladder, with possibly a small amount of other fluid coming from the skenes glands with squirt. The main distinction is in the process and why it’s coming out. With squirting, the bladder is filling up rapidly during arousal and then the fluid comes out. So if you are emptying your bladder beforehand, then you should call it squirt.

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