What did you want to be when you grew up? and what do you do now?

  1. I wanted to be a roller coaster designer/engineer. I am currently a registered nurse. Hahahaha! 😀

  2. I wanted to be a super hero.
    I’m a QA Engineer so pretty far off
    The closest I got to being a hero is my military service when kids called me a hero

  3. Wanted to be a trucker, became a trucker.

    And yes, I blow the air horn for everybody who does the fist pump no matter how young or old they are.

  4. Wanted to be a Jäger pilot from pacific rim. Did become a pilot In the sense of the scene where the guy is working as a welder on the big wall. A win is a win.

  5. I wanted to be a figher pilot. But I was 6’2″ and 230 pounds by the time I was 15. Sat in an F-16 once and realized it wasn’t going to work lol.

    So I got an advanced degree in something that would allow to work adjacent to the aircraft and now run an aerospace and defense analysis company. I love it and rarely feel as if I’m working.

  6. I didn’t chose a career was younger because I didn’t want to live past 18.

    I’m now a line cook.

  7. I wanted to write, design and play video games. I’ve been a cook/chef for 20 years. I wish I was dead.

  8. Wanted to make robots. I’m an engineer now – a hybrid role that dabbles in infrastructure, testing, and software dev. Close enough.

  9. I wanted to be a train engineer (driver). I’m a mechanical engineer helping design trucks. So I got the right title, just a different meaning!

    Of course, I run trains at a local museum on the side, so I guess I get to be both!

  10. I wanted to be a famous musician.

    Not for the money, women, or ego. I just wanted people to love me. It’s funny now, I still fucking love music, but I had a shit childhood, mother was MIA in alcohol and drugs, my dad had the emotional warmth of dry ice. And I now know my musician fantasy was to get the love from fans of my music I never got at home. I never wrote anything more than simplistic guitar riffs and hilariously bad lyrics, and was never in a band or played in front of people.

    I’m an engineer now. Through some fortuitous moments and an at-the-time great girlfriend, I went to college for something that suits my intellectual strengths. I was a tinkerer as a kid and if I got ahold of a screwdriver, I would take all my toys apart. They rarely ever went back together as they were before.

  11. I had no idea what I wanted to be until at 17 in senior year of high school I took a graphic design class and like it, now 10 years later I’m a designer, guess it worked out lol

  12. I wanted to be a lawyer, and am in fact a lawyer. I actually regret it. Wish I were open to other options when I was younger. I was just too narrowly focused.

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