I hate this shit, because I approach a lot less now than I used to for this reason and I know I’m missing out on girls who actually do want to talk to me, I’ve just been through enough humiliation and blows to my self esteem to generally avoid it.

Why do they do this? If you are planning on responding by telling me I “misread” her cues or overestimated her level of interest, I find it sort of bizarre that you genuinely believe a grown adult is incapable of determining mutual attraction. My only guess is they get nervous, or don’t want to hassle with meeting a stranger no matter how good looking you are.

  1. You can definitely still misread someone. That being said, a lot of girls like to flirt just as a game, or because they like the attention. Not necessarily because they like you.

  2. Yes women play games some more than others

    This isn’t an uncommon one, eye fuck you across the room multiple x and then act like a deer in the headlights who me when you talk to them

  3. Women being nice/polite doesn’t mean they are into you. Basic human decency is what it is. Most men are confused.

  4. You need to stop thinking of it as “humiliation”. You aren’t interested in every woman. Not every woman is going to be interested in you. You make an educated guess and you approach. If she says no, you politely thank her anyway and move on. It’s not that big a deal. Don’t be so insecure.

  5. Actually, a lot of men misread signals and assume mutual attraction when it’s not there. There are tons of men on this subreddit alone who think women are attracted to them simply because they made eye contact with them.

    What exactly are these women doing that make you assume they’re attracted to you?

    Also, it’s possible these women are checking you out but uninterested because they’re in a relationship. Plenty of people in relationships still check other people out.

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