Most of the people I grew up with are almost unrecognisable now; and this isn’t in a good way.

  1. I look mostly the same except my natural hair changed from black to dark red, people jokingly ask if im a Vampire lol. My mom is 60 and looks 40.

  2. Itt it depends on lifestyle choices. Drinking alcohol, using drugs, getting too much sun, not getting enough sleep, working too much, not having a emotionally supportive group of friends, chronic stress etc. Some people neglect their physical and mental health and it shows.

  3. 30 hits hard, and your body/face go through a lot of changes. Maintaining features from 10+ years prior is pretty unrealistic for most people.

  4. Majority of people don’t take care of themselves in the US. They have horrible diets, do drugs, stressed out, have a bad sleeping schedule, and don’t exercise. All of that stuff adds up.

  5. Life happens…most people don’t eat healthily at all…they eat processed crap, sugar, seed oils etc. they drink alcohol regularly, they don’t sleep enough, and they’re stressed out because most people are working jobs they hate 40+ hours a week and of course because of age…it comes for all of us

    The key is really, just take care of yourself…eat a whole food diet, take supplements if needed, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, sleep well, and don’t drink alcohol too often…the vast majority of people don’t do any of these things and it shows

    I’m 36 and I’ve been told multiple times that I look like I’m in my 20s, the other day a girl I work with who’s 26 found out that I was 36 and she didn’t believe me at first LOL she was like “noooo! your lying to me, you’re not 36!?? I thought you were like 27” it made me feel really good haha

    I swear by eating tons of fat (healthy fats), high protein, fruits, veggies, whole milk (raw if you can) and boatloads of antioxidants…blueberries, Matcha green tea, dark chocolate, organic coffee, Turmeric, cinnamon etc. things that are high in polyphenols help protect your DNA and are anti-aging…get lots of omega 3s, I put 2tbs of hemp oil in my shakes every day, I also take fish oil and eat lots of oily fish which is anti-inflammatory and very good for your skin

  6. Meh. Harder when one still looks the same during that time. Too old for a youngin, matures too insecure they’ll lose you.

    But drugs/alcohol/smoking can be a real bitch for most people. 30 going on 60 shit.

  7. Your body finishes developing at roughly 25. It’s only then that it starts to actually age

    So you go from someone not fully mature to someone who’s been aging for five-ish years

  8. Kids

    Really, that’s the biggest difference. Everyone I know aged liked 10 years in the first 3-4 years of raising them.

  9. I guess it depends on stress, genetics and environmental factors such as sun damage and drug use. I’m 33 and most people guess that I’m in my early to mid 20’s.

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