I dont know what to do

Hi, I’m 16 years old and have recently been talking to a girl that’s the same age as me for a week. It was back and forth constantly, around 80+ messages a day between the both of us. We recently hungout this weekend on a whim since we had no plans for a couple of hours and wanted to hangout. I guess this would be considered a “date”, but yeah, everything was good. It was awkward at first, but we both kept the conversation going. I was happy for the first time in awhile, that I’d finally met someone like me. After the hangout, we texted for a couple of hours but out of nowhere she just stopped responding to me all together. On instagram i found out she has blocked 2/3 of my accounts with her main one but did not block the one i use the most. She also restricted me from viewing her stories. I tried texting her to ask if she’s okay but I’ve yet to get a response back. My friend asked one of her friends to see what’s wrong but she replied with “sorry it’s not my place to tell you sorry” I’m so confused at the moment. i don’t know what to do at all i don’t even know what i did either i just don’t know what to do and i need help

  1. she might not be that into, i might be wrong

    You should definitely talk to her in person. Don’t blame yourself, women are interesting people

  2. On the surface is seems like you did something to lose her interest.

    I would advise you to not let your feelings get the best of you and move on but you are 16 and…it’s hard!

    This probably won’t take away the sting but what happened to you happens to men and women alike. It will likely happen again!

    Be strong.

  3. Don’t talk to her. Wait it out. She is testing you. Ignore her for as long as possible. In person dont even say hi walk by her like shes a ghost. Leave all here message off “hi” on read. Till she comes back and says why are you ignoring. Than you say don’t play games with me if you do i will leave you boom u got it

  4. well, I would recommend talking to her in person but in case I just want to let u know that some people in your life will be like this. they will block you without a reason and disappear. sometimes without even giving you a chance to get an explanation or answers. it’s not your fault. the person just wasn’t into it, didn’t know how to address it, or just have some personal issues going on.

  5. She doesn’t want you but she’s too much of a dishonest piece of shit to be honest about it.

    You’re better off not talking to people like that.

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