So my partner would love for me to go on top but I have this crippling anxiety to do it as I’ve not had much experience with past partners.

I really want to ride the life out of him but I can’t get past the road block in my head.
Anyone any advice on how to break past this?

  1. Well what’s the road block?

    – Something he said?

    – Something a girlfriend has mentioned?

    – Not like you’ve seen in movies?

  2. Is your anxiety about how your body looks? Then side lamps or hallway lights on and bedroom light off.

    Is the anxiety because you’re not sure how to do it right? You don’t need to bounce up and down necessarily, you need to roll your body like a wave using your lower abs muscles. It can also help to bend one leg and have your foot pushing into the bed for movement.

    Make sure he is involved too by thrusting from below. He can also be propped up from behind with a pillow and that gives a better angle imo because you can still make out and whatnot. Good luck and just have fun!

  3. First time anxiety can be tough. Try doing it with the lights off. Do it with the purpose of discovery. Find out was does and doesn’t feel God for him and for you. There’s many angles to try. And on your toes vs. Your knees. A hard surface vs. soft. Use the darkness to allow freer communication.

    Sex is a skill. Skills are learned. Learning takes time, repetition, and effort.

    But discovery is learning.

    Me? I love being able to chase that feeling into waves of orgasm. He loves me doing it. You’ll just have to discover what works for you two.

  4. Have trust in your partner and communicate. Tell him what you told Reddit: “I’ve not had much experience with past partners. I really want to ride the life out of you”. Most people like being the first ones you do sexy stuff with. He should be more than happy to help guide you.

  5. Just be careful when on top. If you bounce or grind too aggressively, his penis can slip out and if you’re not careful, he can be crushed like cheap origami on the rebound. I (male) had a close call once and avoided injury only because I had my hands on her hips and was able to immediately stop her motion. Erect penises CAN break and it’s an instant trip to the ER when they do.

  6. They don’t care how you look like on top, their brains are blank in bed. And imagine it’s a drift stick, move your body to control it, up and down, back and forth or turning around, whatever you feel comfortable about.

  7. So how do we learn to do anything. Maybe first time, just do it for a few minutes and turn back round to finish if needs be. I’ve found that Japanese porn is usually best to watch if you want to learn something. Chase up JAV cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. For advanced fun, check out pussy slide.

  8. I hate to suggest porn 🙄. But what if you watched videos by yourself and see how they do it … if you have a toy or Eve if you don’t , maybe you could practice it on piled up pillows and get the moves down . See what it feels like being on your knees or squatting over the pillows . Get practice with how to move your hips ?

  9. My best piece of advice:

    Pretend he isn’t there.

    Mount, do what feels good and leads you to orgasm. Get lost in the moment – and the mental block will disappear.

    When you’ve been at it a while, see if you feel good looking into his eyes, arching your back a bit, going up on your feet and bouncing (slowly) the length of his penis as your lady parts grip him and soak him. He will be on cloud 9 – and if you’ve done it right, so will you.

  10. Do you smoke cannabis? If so, try that beforehand. You will not have these roadblocks.

  11. I’d suggest having him sit upright in bed the first time or two if you have apprehensions. This way, you are closer to being face-to-face, then if he is laying quite flat and you are quite upright on top of him. You feel “nested” into him and that can be comforting and make you feel less exposed or “on display”. It’s just a little less bold.

  12. No one is the best ever at it with out practice. Can’t get in that practice if you don’t do it. Talk to him tell him your concerns. Also your not a porn star you don’t need to be hitting your head on the celing cause your bounching up and down so hard, my husband likes when I just grind back and forth the best. If he’s not supportive maybe he’s the wrong guy

  13. Maybe try while he is in a chair and you are facing each other? You are technically riding, but it’s closer to missionary

  14. I like being on top. If I’m feeling self conscious about my belly, I lean forward and kiss him as I ride. Makes it feel more intimate and you can hide your body a bit if you want to. But I also find that guys love watching boobs bounce (who would have thought?) so that takes away some of the inhibitions.

    I was with a guy the other day who has difficultly cumming due to antidepressants and told me not to expect him to cum at all. Once I was on top,
    I got him there in 5 minutes.

  15. Ain’t nothing to it but to do it baby girl.

    Unless you break his dick, he’s not going to to complain I’m almost certain of it.

  16. i got a dildo with suction, stuck that to the floor with a blanket laid around it for my knees, and practiced. i even watched “girl on top” porn to follow, like a waaayy more fun aerobics class, until i found my own personal rhythm that worked for me and no longer matched what the girls were doing, but similar consistency and endurance. even found two angles that got me really close to orgasm.

    then after a couple weeks of doing that, my thighs were less sore and i felt more confident. i was still nervous, so i set the mood by keeping the hallway light on but the bedroom light off, and climbed up.

    much MUCH better than the dildo, because with his body pressed against my clit plus the angles I’d found, felt sooo good and got me to climax. after i did, i had a rush of endorphins and rode him consistently to his climax.

    after my O but before his, I asked him if x felt good or if he wanted it faster or slower, and listened to him, but that few weeks of practice really helped me build confidence in it.

    it helped that he was vocal “omg that feels so good”, “fuck yes, like that”, “don’t stop”. hopefully your partner does that too, that’s how he was able to meet me halfway in the effort to learn how to ride him.

  17. Twerking and those kinds of dances help you getting in touch with your “active sexual energy” ( I am making the term up) Once u can do it, you probs can go on top. Its easier to learn alone in your room to dance, then maybe try a dildo?

  18. I[M] have never had a partner on top of me and thought “this isn’t great.”

    Casual, gf, wife, pregnant, etc.

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