I was supposed to go out with a guy today. He messaged me this morning, messaged me once he got off work, told me he was getting ready, and said he would let me know when he was leaving. I sent him my address. An hour later, I try to message him. My messages aren’t delivering. I tried to call him; straight to voicemail. My sister calls him and text him, they go through. i Message him through Bumble. He unmatched me.

I’m so hurt right now. This is the second time I’ve been ghosted. He told me he was so excited to meet me, and kept on saying it for the last few days. Why would he messaged me today throughout the whole day if he was just going to ghost me? We spent so much time getting to know each other, we FaceTimed, we chatted on the phone for hours

How can someone do this, I know I shouldn’t have so much energy into this, but how can people be so messed up?

  1. >i Message him through Bumble.

    What’s wrong is your choice of men. Most people using dating apps have at least a screw loose in their brains. Think about it. They’re on there because they can’t get one in person, and if they can get people in person then they’re probably exploiting the masses online. Very few people go at it with their hearts on their sleeves successfully.

  2. Doc Love had a rule “Don’t take someone seriously until you make it to 10 dates.” I agree because trust is built slowly over a period of time.

    In the real world, people who have been together for 20+ years probably didn’t hook up within the first 3 dates. Sure it feels good to hook up right away, but that’s not a smart way to begin a serious, long term relationship.

  3. How many times do you meet? No new guy needs to know your address on the first or second date. You meet up to get to know each other first.

  4. Sorry you’re finding out about this behavior. I try to meet people quickly through dating apps so I don’t get as hurt if a girl ghosts me or doesn’t want a second date.

    For me, it’s super common. I’ve been ghosted or had a rejection after a first date dozens of times this year.

    I try to schedule a hobby after my dates so I at least have something to do if the date get cancelled. For example, the date would be a dinner at 6, and then at 9 I’d have a pickup sport game I can either join or not show up to if the date goes well.

  5. You sent him your address? wtf…don’t do this again. For the love of god.

    Besides that, he undoubtedly just wanted to “Netflix and chill”. Try to move away from dating. I see in your comments you say you’re never approached by men. So why not approach them? If you see something you want, go get it.

  6. Ok you never met this guy…. Your messages don’t get delivered and you go to voicemail so why did you get your sister to text him? And then why did you message him on bumble after he clearly ghosted you? This feels a bit desperate. And if it keeps happening then maybe you are giving off this vibe of clingy and desperate so they ghost

  7. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserved better. I’ve been ghosted a lot too, and it never really gets any easier. I have no idea why people do it. I’d so much rather have someone say something… anything!… than be ghosted.

  8. Some people are very scared to explain that they’re not interested so they just agree and don’t show up

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