my friend doesn’t have a reddit account so I’m posting for her! Here’s her post:

How to cut out a guy without putting myself or my friend in danger?

Recently a guy (24m) started talking to me (26f) at university. He knew one of my friends (20’sf) and he was really friendly from the get go. He quickly invited me to have lunch with him and to go to a museum together. I already had plans for the day of the museum trip so I couldn’t go but I was happy to have made a new friend. He was very friendly and touchy feely and some of my friends said that he might’ve been into me.
I met up with the friend we had in common and I asked her if she remembered him. She ended up confessing to me that they had been talking because they were interested in each other but he had never asked her out so she had ended up rejecting him. This happened 9 days before my conversation with her and about 6 days before he started talking to me. Apparently he started acting in a creepy way after that, trying to go to her apartment late at night, waiting for her outside her apartment, etc.

I gave it some thought and decided I don’t want to be friends with someone who hurt my friend so I want to cut him out of my life. He, however, knows my schedule partly so if I just block him, I fear he might find me irl and demand an explanation. I don’t know if it’s safe to mention my friend to him either because I don’t want her to get in danger. How can I go about this in a way that doesn’t put me or my friend into danger?

TLDR: I need to get rid of a guy with a history of doing creepy things in a way that doesn’t endanger me or my friend.

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