I (24f) know I’m smart and I’m great with structured conversations ie. “What’s your issue, how can we help” but regular convo is a bit hard for me like client dinners of after work happy hours. I’m demographically very different then most people around me (middle aged men). I also don’t drink which seems to be what most people connect on. I always feel like the odd one out and I think the lack of comfort I feel comes through in my social interactions. Any tips?

1 comment
  1. Some people may feel the same way you do, although they appear confident as a reminder. But Just start polite conversation, if needed, keep it topical. Such as decor or food. Be honest. It’s okay to have an opinion on the topical. Read the room. Or at least those closest to you. Oh and I do not drink anymore either? But my best advice is order something like soda water and cranberry, or at least fizzy water, a drink that looks like you’re partaking with those around you. My fav is half coca cola, over Ice w half soda water with a lime. Or sugar free RedBull over Ice. So
    Then after everybody’s had a few drinks? You have a “drink” in your hand and they won’t ever ask you “oh you’re not drinking?” Like your not one of the “cool kids” of work. 😁

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