I think video games are one. Some people literally are forced to drop out of school or lose their livelihoods over them.

  1. Alcohol and drugs. No one ever notices it. The news barely talks about it.

    See, i can say something stupid too.

  2. Phones/social media.

    I say that as someone who uses their device a lot, but I know some people who seem actually incapable of putting them down to the detriment of their work, sleep, relationships, etc.

    It feels normal because devices are a regular part of life these days and also because “regular use” is actually kind of a lot, but I’m constantly dumbfounded at people who can’t ever have a conversation without scrolling their way through it.

  3. Gambling. Yeah you see it sometimes in movies and TV but I have seen it IRL and it looks nasty. Worked at a casino for 3 years and there was this guy that secretly took out a second mortgage on his home just to have money to play with.

  4. 4 comments so far. 4 of them being some of the most known and looked upon addictions

  5. Eating/junk food binge etc

    Look at how huge the average American is

    Was shopping for a new office chair the other day and found these extra big ones that were rated for 450 pounds.


  6. The level of humor and marketing around caffeine addiction is almost concerning imo. We all know at least one person who can’t function without a cup of coffee in the morning followed by another 5-10 throughout the day. Then their addiction is marketed with home decor and shirts with “but first coffee” or “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.” Just imagine if some company started marketing consumption of alcohol all day everyday

  7. I’d have to say addiction to marijuana often goes unnoticed. I think its medicinal uses are great, but when recreational usage becomes the majority of a person’s waking life, it’s time to admit there is a use disorder.

  8. Authority/power.

    But it could also be the case that those in favor of some of the things the addict is doing, are willingly ignoring that they are following someone drunk on power.

  9. Literally phones and social media and apps. People, especially young kids spends hours every day on it.

  10. Shopping.

    My gf is addicted to shopping. She has come to me several times telling me she wants to save money but then she is on Amazon like everyday.

  11. Comfort foods, I don’t mean the occasional snacking but when used as a coping mechanism it’s unhealthy in waaay too many ways.

  12. Functional alcoholism. Things like “omg I am going to NEED that bottle of wine tonight” are often met with “yes queen” or “me too”. But then you tell people you don’t drink at all, and suddenly it’s a problem that needs to be solved.

  13. Caffeine, granted it’s a very mild psychotropic drug, but I’ve known people that got put in the hospital because of a lack of sleep and drinking way too much of it. I’m also super addicted to it myself, I feel like I can’t do shit until my morning coffee.

  14. OPs’ moms

    I’d give up half my paycheck to sleep with em just once… fortunately they only charge a nickel

  15. 1. Alcohol. It’s a legitimate addiction to people but they pretend it isn’t.

    2. Weed. No group tries to convince you more that “it’s NOT an addiction, I can quite any time”.

    3. Porn. Destroys marriages daily.

    4. Games. Went form enjoyable pastime to harmful addiction.

  16. Weed. Been on the verge of quitting. Every time my stash gets really low I tell myself I’m gonna stop, but then without thinking about it I catch myself walking out of the weed store with a fresh batch.

    It might not be addictive like crack or heroin, or even like nicotine… but it definitely drills its way into your existence, and it’s not quite as easy as *just* stopping…. it’s like it’s somewhere in between a hard-to-kick habit and a full on addiction.

    Same goes for sugar. And that shit’s in damn near everything.

  17. None.

    Their all noticed it’s just that people just focus on ones to prove/make their point.

    *”I think video games are one. Some people literally are forced to drop out of school or lose their livelihoods over them”*


    1. People bring that up pretty often on the internet.

    2. You said “some people” which would imply not much. So let’s assume that what you say is right (without any actual stats to back it up). If it affects only some then of course it won’t get much attention. Video games have been more easily accessible for decades so if it’s only some it won’t be seen as a big issue.

    But continuing on your belief

    *”Some people literally are forced to drop out of school or lose their livelihoods over them.”*

    Odds are video games weren’t the cause. Something else was and it was just the games used as a convenient excuse.

  18. People confuse a hobby that is disliked by others as an addiction. When a real addiction is anything that impacts your life negatively. Going to the gym can be an addiction when you stop hanging with friends. Don’t visit your family. Stop focusing on work. All because you are thinking about gym time.

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