Me and my gf was always passionate when it comes to sex but recently my thing doesn’t go up anymore when we’re doing it.

At first i thought i was just tired from work and school since i barely get any sleep, but i found out after getting enough sleep, it’s just not going up anymore with her.

It must be because we haven’t been spicing up things and she’s not really open minded for it, is there anything i can do to make her open up so we can spice it up?

  1. Dude you may just not be attracted to her. You might have a raging case of being 20. Or ADHD.

    The best way to try to rekindle is through more than just “spicing it up”. Try more extensive flirting and pre-gaming with her. That sometimes helps.

  2. Mate, your title kind of puts this on your GF a bit which might be unfair.

    You’re 20, your dick should get hard in a stiff breeze. It shouldn’t take much to get you going at all at your age.

    Hell, I’m over 40 and have had sex with 1 person for the last 18 years and don’t have the concerns you speak of.

    Are you masturbating a lot and/or watching too much porn? What’s your diet/exercise/general health like?

    Feels like something isn’t right at your end to be honest. No shame in having a more open conversation with your doctor.

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