I (42f) have always had a high libido and sex drive but I recently it has started to get so high and out of control, I have been divorced for about 8 months and feel that is partly to blame but I feel like ever since it happened my libido has gone crazy.

Sexual things is all I can think about and I constantly feel the need to masturbate. Masturbating helps control it a little but I’m having to do it so many times a day and always have the urge to orgasm. Has any other woman experienced this or know how to control it better or reduce my libido. I’d just like to get on with normal life without this taking over. Any help would be appreciated or let me know if you have experienced this as I feel like I’m the only one going through it.

  1. If it’s disrupting your life and you sincerely want to change it, seek medical advice. It could hormonal it could be a temporary response to the novelty of divorce.

    However, make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. What’s wrong with wanting to fuck all the time? If you enjoy sex and it’s available, get it! Who fucking cares? As long as it’s not getting in the way of other important things, I say go on a dick (or pussy, if that’s your bag) safari.

  2. I have always had an incredibly high libido. My husband feels I’m never satisfied because I can just keep going. However, even with my high libido, I am able to control my urges and it is not disrupting my life. I would schedule an appointment with your PCP and have some test run.

  3. you and me both

    keeping my mind on other things have been most effective

    having actual sex helps , it’s more satisfying and I don’t get the urge to masturbate in the next few hours

  4. This can be a sign of peri menopause. Enjoy it if you can but if it becomes an impairment then see your doctor.

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