Recently discovered that not dating is less stressful than dating. Im so at peace and not anxious everyday worrying about if that person is right for me or I might be settling on accident. Honestly I haven’t felt so relaxed in a long time after I removed myself from dating. I don’t have to over analyze the partners im choosing and pick someone that might be wrong for me.

It’s also worrying because does this mean im not meant to be in a relationship? I feel like I have too much independence im the type of person that can go months without a relationship unlike most people in society today. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a relationship it’s just im not the type to hop from relationship to relationship to search for the meaning in life.

It’s so much easier being single and not worrying over trying to meet up. Having a daughter has made it challenging to date because im too lazy to keep setting up babysitters that’s how low my motivation is. Idk for some reason I don’t have an urge to hangout with anyone. I have a few friends that I do spend time with but other than that it’s just me and my daughter. I would like to be in love again yet I can’t focus on a conversation without accidentally ghosting the other person lol. Any advice on how to feel motivated to find a romantic partner? Now I just like to be by myself without worrying how I’m going to see someone or if they still like me or not 😂

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