I’ve been interested in improving my social skills lately, so naturally I’ve started to look into YT videos that talk about steps and tips to become better at socializing, from the way you talk to the way you behave and think.

Thing is…I feel like I’m starting to get into a wall. Sure, I’ve absorbed a lot of *theoretical* knowledge, but I don’t really know how to apply it into actual conversations. Like: *”how to be funny? just look at anything and try to exaggerate it!”*, ok, got it…but how do I do that, or even know how that looks/sounds like in an irl situation that’s not scripted? (Just to give an example).

I’d like to actually listen to REAL conversations and see the theory being put into practice to analyze and learn from it in a more natural way. Sure, I could always just throw myself into people in the street and try to have random conversations *(basically “trial and error”)*, but I feel like that would not only not help that much in terms of learning but would also serve as a way to quickly loose my self-esteem and attain more anxiety in record-time.

So, does anyone know of any piece of media that I could use to learn from? It can be anything, from movies and shows (as long as they’re well-written in terms of realism) to YouTube videos like lessons or even podcasts.

  1. You could try going to public places and observe people interacting wih each other. Then try to connect their behaviours with theories that you know. Though maybe take a book with you to pretend to read. Maybe even a notebook in which you scribble stuff could help (and you could jot down what you notice).

    The family gatherings are approaching. You could also use it as opprtunities to observe unscripted human behaviour/interactions.

    Can also pay more attention on how co-workers interact.

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