So for context this guy (20M) confessed his feelings for me and I (20F) said I was interested in him too. After a week he asked me out and I asked him if he can give me some time. Couple days later he is telling me that he is confused with his feelings as his parents are going through a divorce and he is going through a really hard time right now. He hasnt told this to anyone and he said he doesnt know which feeling is real and which isnt cause all this time he was pretending to act normal. He was dealing with this while being a full time student and working 5 days a week… So he wants me to give him some time to find his answer. All i want is to be there for him but i dont know how to approach. I honestly just want to be there for him as a friend and I am okay for waiting however long he needs but at the same time I am scared he doesnt like me back anymore and used me as a copying mechanism. I know its low of me to think that and I know hes not the type of person but the way he be acting i cant stop thinking about it

TL;DR (20M) confessed asked me (20F) to be his gf now is saying he is “confused”

1 comment
  1. No matter how hard it is – give him space. Make it clear that you are there for him even as a friend if he needs (and only if you want to) but other than that let it be for now. If what he felt towards you was genuine he will reconnect with you – if not then you were saved from later heartbreak. Very often men and women cope differently with difficult situations. Men need time to kind of marinate in their own thoughts whilst women let it all out either to friends or partners etc. Just do your best to be cool and keep calm

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