I am always making scripts for scenarios that are confirmed to happen and for scenarios I think might happen. I get anticipatory anxiety for upcoming events that I know I will have to talk to people. Nights before I would write questions I think might be brought up and write out how I would respond. I would write down my tone and hand gestures and practice and memorize it. There are occurrences when someone talks to me and goes off my script~ I am able to respond but it’s short and my thought process gets all jumbled up I start to stutter and sweat. I can talk comfortably to close friends but I feel like I am faking myself when talking to people who I am not that close too. Or I would just try to mirror them or use what I know/seen to communicate and not have a real personality.

  1. That’s a relatable struggle

    It’s great that you prepare, but don’t be too hard on yourself when conversations go off-script

    Just remember, even in those unscripted moments, you’re still doing great!

  2. I can totally relate! It’s nerve-wracking when unexpected conversations throw you off your perfectly crafted script.

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