So I’ve struggled with vaginismus most of my life, and while I’m finally getting to a place where things mostly don’t hurt now (woo!), I’m finding that during sex there’s a part of my mind that’s always “on”. Feels like a part of my mind is just constantly on alert, watching for signs of pain and ready to jump in and troubleshoot / redirect.

Has anyone had any success with meditation to help them be more “in the moment” during sex? And if so, can you suggest me a video / audio / etc?

  1. Yes, mediation has helped me be more present during sex. I also orgasm easier now that I can shut my brain off instead of being in my head. Consider looking on YouTube for being present guided meditations, about 10 minutes or less to start. Practice 2 to 3 times a week minimum for best results.

  2. It Definitely helps big time! I found it easier to start with yoga because it taught me the basics of how to breathe and relax, then tried meditation, also having a strong pelvic floor from doing it has made me more orgasmic. I can go into a meditative state pretty easily during sex now.

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