27M here. Been having problems dating the past few years. Have good dates and have sex etc.. Getting the dates isn’t the issue or anything like that. Its having someone stick around. Ive been told initial impressions are fuckboy, until they get to know me and realize I’m a goofy guy with a personality. My friends who are girls have told me to hold off on sex initially if I’m looking to date and have a potential relationship in the future, as opposed to being seen as just a hookup. Any thoughts?

  1. your friends are right, however, some women like to have sex on the first date. in this arena, let the woman lead.

  2. Nope. Wrong wrong wrong. It’s not your place to decide when to have sex. Yes you have to be ok with it but it’s when the woman tells you no that you wait and it helps. It doesn’t help anything for the man to say no.

    Women stick to good dick. Crude but true. If your dick game is A1 then they will keep coming back around to let a relationship develop. If it’s shit they will move on. I’d start there.

  3. I’m in the same situation, but the difference is that I’m a woman. Used to do sex on first date, but have been told by my past dates (and exes) that it’s a red flag which is bullshit, but I guess that’s how things are in the dating scene now, yeah? Especially if for long-term.

    So yeah, if you’re looking for a relationship, expect more dates and getting to know before doing the deed. Once she’s emotionally invested, you know you’re on the right track.

  4. Every woman is different. Some are down to have sex on the first date, others wanna wait. Everyone has their own reasons for whichever, be it sexual compatibility or want to earn the man’s trust first. Some see it as a red flag and others are fine with it. Let her decide if she wants to have sex and go from there. Make sure youre ok with it too because if youre not willing to wait then you’re better off finding another woman who’s down to have sex on the first date

  5. I am looking for a serious relationship and I always state that in the first date….I think it’s a good idea to do this and also make sure the first date it’s just hanging out and talking, there’s no rush.

  6. Your friends are right, dont have sex on the first date, let the women get to know you, but if they make advances to have sex then I wouldn’t say no (unless you dont want to) since they are comfortable and youve made it clear youre not a fuckboy

  7. I always let the woman lead. The best thing you can do is just have fun during the date. Don’t have expectations. Enjoy the person you are with and have an organic great time. I’ve had so much success when I literally just blocked everything else out and had a good time. It was like hanging out with a friend and things just came into place.

  8. One comment stated you have to give good dick. Which is 100% true. But women are emotional beings so there are things you could do to keep her coming back. But you should set these expectations before you get into anything. Make sure they want a relationship as well. Dont take her to the movies on the first date! You cant talk to them! Mini golf or something is good bc it takes away any awkward silences dinner may have. When you take a girl out, make sure the place you go was well thought out, not a steak house or buffet. open her door for her, pull out her chair and only talk about yourself if she asks! Focus on listening to her, dont let your mind wander off about her tits or what she looks like naked jus listen to her and ask questions, make a list if you have to. Make eye contact and look into her left eye if possible (enhances attraction, comforting) most importantly, be yourself, only smile if its genuine etc…. then drive her home, walk her to the door, kiss her hand and say goodnight, dont linger jus walk to your car. Be very sure of yourself. Confidence is key. She will come back. Women love a gentleman. If she does ask you to come in n it does lead to sex n you cum in 30 sec dont stop use your tongue Go down on her until u get hard again. Do what most guys dont, think about her.

  9. I’m not exactly sure why people are in a rush to get into a strangers body or let a stranger in their body. Yes, condoms are a thing but not 100%. If I’m going ro end up with an unexpected pregnancy, I at least want to know what kind of person someone is.

    There’s nothing wrong with waiting.

  10. Girl who has sex on the first date is a red flag, don’t dip in that ocean, they will be the ones not wanting continuation, cause they already had it.

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