Men who have hired a prostitute or paid for the time/company of a woman in that way, why did you do it? Would you do it again?

  1. Kyle, every boy pays for kisses. Do you know what I am saying? If you’ve got a girl, and she kisses you, sooner or later you’re paying for it. You’ve gotta take her out to lunch, take her to a movie, and then spend time listenin’ to all her stupid problems. Look, look at Stan right there. He’s gotta sit there and listen to her stupid motherfuckin’ problems ’cause she kisses him. If you ask me, that’s a lot more than the five dollars my company charges.

  2. I was in a truly horrendous marriage. By the end, she was verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive. My response was to withdraw, which just made things even worse. I finally filed for divorce when she started hitting me in front of the kids. Years later, I still have effects from that last concussion. I will never have another serious relationship ever again.

    What to do? I’ve had casual relationships, but most women who will do casual relationships aren’t looking for chubby guys in their 50s. So, sex workers are the way to go. It certainly is helped by the fact that my best friend (platonic) is a dominatrix, so I’m not judgemental about sex workers at all. It’s been really great. I’m careful to avoid both law enforcement and sex trafficking.

  3. It’s not my thing, but part of me wants to do hire one just to do something mundane like I have seen in memes and just generally joked about. Like that one with the guy who summons a succubus to paint his warhammer 40k minis or the one where he did to help him practice soccer. I don’t know how that would land legally, I just think it’s paying the woman in question to have sex.

    Jokes aside, all the spambots and OF/lewd sellers spamming and plugging all over online sort of ruined the whole idea for me. Even if it were legal everywhere. The only time I would do it technically is if I were a porn director something like that.

  4. Hired a male prostitute if that counts.

    I was vacationing somewhere that it was legal and was curious about the experience. Don’t see ever doing it again, but it was essentially all the emotional intimacy of a random Grindr hookup but paying cash for the convenience of not having to deal with flakes. He was hotter than a guy I’d have pulled on my own but the sex was average.

  5. Went to a few escorts but not as fun as MPs. I do it because it’s a **blast**. We have no past, no future so the sessions are **hilarious** and I have a really fun time. As long as I stay within their restrictions (which slowly disappear once trust is established ) it’s great. I’m a giver, which for obvious reason few clients are, so I get a lot of “one more time”, “2 more minutes” & “thanks, please come back“. I clearly misunderstand the process. There are about 12 masseuses there, and I just love causing the occasional minor chaos within the ranks. So many ’happy’ times.

  6. I’ve done it many times. With pornstars and high end ones. I got to be with women that I never would have been able to be with. I’ve been with women who have walked runways in New York fashion week for big designers. I’ve been with women with breasts so big it’s considered as a disease. Pornstars that you’ve heard of for sure. One time I was with a woman with an ass so big that it was like a table. You could stand up a bottle of water on it and she could walk and it would stay still for a step or two. Crazy

    As for why I was a virgin until 36. I just said if I don’t do this then it’s never going to change. I ain’t never going to change for somebody else. So this is it.

  7. I started seeing escorts within a few months after my divorce. I had been married for nearly 14 years and I was really burned out on the idea of getting into a relationship with any sort of woman, but I was definitely looking for easy sex. Escorts provided just that.

    I’ve had a semi-serious girlfriend since my divorce, but for the majority of the last 5 years, I’ve been single. I generally enjoy living by myself and I can’t say that I really miss much of what a relationship with a woman would have to offer. I see escorts at least twice a month and, more recently, I’ve been visiting one 1-3 times a week.

  8. Too much trauma to go through the normal channels.
    Showing up at a place and handing over some cash bypasses my trauma and they know what to do in a kind, warm way. It is nourishing to my soul.

  9. I have spent some $20,000 USD on prostitutes all in all.

    Why? Sexless marriage, wife who doesn’t care. Eventually I got addicted to the thrill of paying for sex.

    I live in Japan where sex work is legal (although PIV is not legal). The system that I use is you go to a hotel and call the agency. Choose the girl, choose the options. She shows up, have a short chat, pay, take a shower together, and it’s game time. Bust as many nuts as you want in the allotted time and go home happy.

    I’ve had bad experiences with this. One was an extremely fat woman who looked nothing like her pictures showed up. Didn’t use that agency again (although her dome game was the best I’ve ever had).

    Will I go again? I mean, I tried to quit, but then realized that I couldn’t. More into the sugar daddying thing now.

  10. I was over seas in the us navy. It was basically a right of passage.

    Yes, I would do it again. Probably will in the next year or two

  11. I came to realize you pay for sex every time you have it, no matter who you have it with. So why not make the selection process for who I want to have sex with be more certain. And like has been said, when you use a prostitute you aren’t paying for the sex, you are paying for her to get the hell out and leave you alone. And yes I do plan on doing it again, many times. Well worth the investment. I am not in danger of losing half my shit.

  12. Dude hookers are tons of fun. You can pay for a smoking hot women to be all about you for an hour. Shit is way too fun and addicting.

  13. Yeah it was fun.

    A professional prostitude can fuck better them the vast majority of amatuers.

    Not for everyone and its really only about sex but if your single (or in one of those relationships) and you are horny and want mind blowing sex why not.

  14. Primarily because of loneliness. The sex was fun but I was just as interested in just having someone to talk to.

  15. Literally hundreds of times. It’s convenient and fun, and I have zero moral qualms about it. Avoiding trafficking victims is not difficult, there are a lot of women and men who engage in sex work for the same reasons people take any other job. I’m in my 60’s now, partly retired with more disposable income than I’ll spend before I kick it. Having a 30 year old chick who’s an easy 9 or 10 bouncing up and down on my dick like I’m a rock star is a nice time.

  16. I wish I could just pay someone to come and snuggle me to sleep at night. That is the only thing I miss about being married. As a female, if I wanted to go out and screw someone.. that’s easy. I don’t want what everyone else has had.

    I just want to be able to sleep and feel safe doing so.

  17. Well way way back me and a friend were drinking and doing cocaine all Night. He was no stranger to calling escorts, so he decided he wanted to get one that will do both of us (not at the same time) that he’d pay for. It was about 4am and he went on the backpage website and called a woman who was willing to have sex with both of us at that time. Well we, in extremely poor choice. Hopped in his car and drove to her place all the while doing blow in the car the whole drive there. Well he sent me in first and, it was not a great experience for a couple reasons

    1. Being kinda pushed into that scenario for the first time was just a bit awkward
    2. I had done so much cocaine and drank so much my dick was damn near useless
    3. After I left she told my friend he could go inside and he decided to bail on her and she was understandably pissed

    It was not a good experience for me. I have nothing against doing it However, I might have done it again in a better mind state and situation probably. But yeah I never decided to do it again

  18. I did it a few times when I first split with my kids mom. Never again. Turns out I prefer the emotional connection and it feels too transactional. I’m a pretty frugal guy so maybe that’s why. Beautiful women for not too much money. The price of dinner and drinks.

  19. I was always overweight and had 0 experiences with women. When I finally managed to lose weight and started to get attention, I realised that I, as a 25 year old at the time, never even had a kiss. Because of that, I made the judgement call that i need to actually experience what it was all about so that i may not fail all my dates due to nervousness.

    So I went ahead, spent 50 euros and sought out the services. I explained to the lady at the time that I was still a virgin, and she ended up being somewhat nice to me. It really took off the edge, and I was able to be more relaxed around women.

  20. I’m a woman but I’ve been thinking about hiring a professional for a few reasons.. first, sure, I could go pull a guy but that’s no guarantee that he doesn’t suck in bed.. also, the tidiness of it appeals to me.. idk, I haven’t done it but the benefits seem obvious regardless of gender..

  21. Never hired one but I’ve thought about it. Not for sexual pleasure, but more for someone to hug me and tell me I’m a good person and it’s all going to be okay…

  22. Closest I’ve came is paying for a private Dance in a club. Couldn’t get turned on, she put her ass up in my face and I had the smell of sweaty shit in my nose for a week straight. Wasn’t gonna blame her for it, but that was my first and last experience of that.

  23. I’ve been over the story before. With each passing year I care less and less about sharing the details. I leave a little more out each time.

    I paid her to talk to me. I was 24. It meant so much to me back then. I had issues to work through. I never made a breakthrough. I was a sucker after all. I fell for her when other men simply got on with the business of fucking her. I wanted nothing less than friendship with her, while others had that all figured out and never had to part with a penny in order to do so. She abruptly left the profession, which tore me at the time. She later would return but I was unaware of it until much later. It was for the best that it played out the way it did.

    At this present point in time I do not see myself ever doing it again. Everything I learned from the experience was over years of reflection on what I did wrong, not the joy it could’ve brought me.

  24. I have never met a lady worth paying for. Would i? Probably. It seems easier than jumping thru loops just to fail in the end.

  25. No never, I don’t think I could. Firstly, I’m not interested in cheating on my wife. But even if I were, put it this way, I use my elbow to press the button at a street crossing. The idea of touching a prostitute is an absolute non-starter.

  26. it has a stigma in the west, but here in the east it’s an everyday thing. better that than cheat and get emotionally involved with someone while married. yes. it is the lesser of the two evils.


    the question to back this one up is, “guys, how many woman have you taken out wanting only sex and knew you’d never see them again after opening them up emotionally?”

  27. 2 fold. Sex with an attractive woman, most times good conversation with no strings attached.

    You didn’t need to wine and dine her, impress her, deal with the bullshit of dating.

    I see no moral problem with paying for sex. Outside of a relationship. I am however rather picky about who I choose as I do want someone who will have a conversation and a connection.

    Would happily do it again.

  28. Sure I have a lovely escort I paid to spend some time with. I didn’t want sex or anything, just wanted some snuggles and to relax. Share a bit of intimacy.

    We watched Netflix and relaxed for a few hours. Was great fun and exactly what I was looking for. She was super understanding about the no sex thing and it was all super chill.

    We have done it a few times now, we are both pretty nerdy so we spend a lot of time just talking games or books while snuggled up.

    As to why, past messed up relationships makes it very hard to even think about letting someone in again. therapy is helping but it’s a slow process and this just filled that need for me, that want for physical connection with another human. 10 years single gets lonely, but sadly I can’t align head and heart just yet.

    So finding a safe space I could do the limited amount that worked for me and feel zero pressure to be more then that has being really healthy and fun.

    It’s not the cheapest thing I have ever done but well worth it.
    First visit was an eye opener emotionally. But I was able to work through it.

  29. Sex work should be legal. One of the worst things that can happen to a society is one full of too many sexually frustrated men.

  30. Am I the only one who wouldn’t even know where to go to hire a prostitute and would be too scared to do it if I did?

    Maybe I’ve seen too many episodes of Cops

  31. I didn’t know it was part of the plan until it happened but I went out with some friends as an adult for the first time that I hadn’t seen since I was a teenager(they were all older than me). We went to a couple clubs and had fun, drank, etc. and then we went to the last stop, which was a strip club. One of my friends asked which girl I thought was the most attractive and then went and brought her over and we started talking a bit. I didn’t realize everyone else was also with a woman they were “talking to” until she asked if I wanted to go to the next room.

    That’s when it clicked and I saw everyone else I was with was with another woman or had already left with one. It was completely normal to my friends and it seemed like something they were familiar with so I figured I’d just go with it as the girl I was with seemed nice enough and I didn’t feel wrong or weirded out by the situation. She took me upstairs, we got to a sort of check-in desk where I paid the bouncer/guard? It was required to use and pay for their condoms, and there was optional lube at an additional price. I accepted both especially because I was more reassured that this seemed to be a more regulated/safer business by the fact that they provided these products than I was worried about a little extra fee. Went well enough, had a good time, and they had showers and towels in the rooms for after.

    When I got out, everyone else was already outside hanging out and waiting for me. They talked about their girls openly, and from the conversations I was able to confirm that this was a normal way to end the night, although it was more of an every-once-in-a-while kind of thing and not like a weekly event.

    It wasn’t a bad experience, I did end up having a good time overall, but I never did it again myself. Once was enough for me

  32. On the one hand you get sex on demand but on the other you could inadvertently be taking advantage or hurting someone; Sex trafficking is very common.

  33. I was lonely, touch starved and, admittedly, very frustrated. I paid to take the edge off that aspect of my life and kept doing it because it worked.

    Usually it is not quite as good as the real emotionally charged thing with chemistry and all, but it gets pretty close every once in a while and it’s those times that keep me going back.

    I was 27 then, but did not make it into a regular hobby until the age of 34 or so. I’m in my early 40s now. I’ve been with a low triple digits of escorts over the years, but have been losing interest in the last year.

    If I had to use recent mental health Twitter terms to describe my motivation, I’d say that I am probably aromantic, but not asexual and neither conventionally attractive, nor willing to be vulnerable enough to find a purely sexual partner.

  34. I would not do it again. The condom broke and I had to get on PEP medication for a month. I’d rather meet girls who genuinely want to be with me not just because I’m paying them.

  35. Yes I’ve done it many times. Why? Because women aren’t exactly wanting to sleep with 5’6 men unless you pay them a lot of money.

  36. I had just made it to Cartagena, Colombia. It was my first night there before I had to go to work the next day. So I hopped into a cab and told the driver “take me to where the girls are!”

    I meant a bar. He took me to a whore house. It was okay. Definitely nerve racking as I’d never done anything like that before.

  37. Got a buddy at work m40, tall ( 6’6”) good looking athletic guy, great job ( big money, long time off periods) , he will now only use professionals ( mostly AMP , occasionally High Class escorts). He got burned by a girl he dated/loved years ago, “he won’t get fooled again”. He lives an awesome Instagram worthy life, befriended a roadie for a band he loves and took a month off work to go on tour as a roadie for this band this summer. He drives his Harley in summer and his snowmobile in winter, plays in a band, has a really nice home, he is living the male ideal life. He is visibly happy with his lifestyle, I kind of envy him.

  38. I went through a period where I was, under no fucking circumstances, getting into a relationship with another woman. I was introduced to a couple of ladies who were sympathetic to my situation and were open to financial reciprocity for their attention. I was pissed at the world but a man still has certain wants and needs. Got a couple of three-ways and some very eye-opening experiences out of it. I don’t regret anything.

    Since then, I’ve gotten married and had kids so it doesn’t fit with my current lifestyle. I wouldn’t go back to transactional sex unless my wife were to leave or pass away while I still have gas in the tank.

  39. I had a girl that was stunning a 9.5/10 that would fuck me for gifts. How I let that one go I’ll never know. I was dumb.

    So! To answer your actual question! I did it because I needed more footage! I got some great shots! It’s by far my favorite porn and it’s all just for me. Hunter knows what I’m talkin’ about!!

  40. I’ve done it a hand full of times!! Mostly positive experiences…… it’s hard to get laid if ur fat. So I’ll do it again. I learned a long time ago u pay for it regardless, with either money, ur time and/or both….. pick ur poison

  41. Efficiency, her general attitude and demeanor, and yes, absolutely.

    I got tired of taking closet alcoholics out on $75 dates, getting ghosted, catfished, or them trying to friend-zone me (I didn’t even realize this was still a female strategy after like, 11th grade).

    So much wasted time it’s unbelievable, and that’s not even counting the monetary expense.

    On the flip side, like $200 gets a massage and a HJ, and some laughs and a genuinely good time.

    No brainer.

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