What’s your biggest health concern as a man?

  1. Remembering to take the daily meds (ARVs for HIV, and other meds) that keep me alive & kicking!

    And I’m *so bad* at remembering, I set alarms and ignore them. Luckily, I’ve never missed a whole day.

    Otherwise, getting enough Vitamin B12, and enough protein, as a vegan.

    Edit: new fear unlocked from this thread, dementia and bad prostate health – being a man is a minefield eh?

  2. Mental health. I’m wondering if there’s anyone in my life who would care if I killed myself lol

  3. I’ve had two quite significant events of mental ill health so I’d say a recurrence of that.

  4. Mental health. Nobody really cares about our mental health. It’s all about being a man and living through it. Work till we die and provide no matter what. We just can not be happy in a world that expects so much on us.

  5. Mental health is the most hidden sickness among men because men are supposed to be the strong gender and do not need emotional support.

  6. Probably dementia.

    Though the thought of living in some blissful ignorance does have its charm.

  7. Crohn’s disease. I’ve had it a decade now but going forward it’s just gonna need more attention and care so it doesn’t take me out. It’s a real pain in the ass.

  8. tbh, idk.


    I already know I’m going to get cancer within the next 10-15yrs.

    I already know I have “not great” mental health issues.

    I have a history of Heart disease(already had one work induced heart attack).


    I’ve already come to terms, long ago, on what has the highest chances of taking me out.


    idk. My only real goal is to make it to a point in life I can take a month off of work and not have to worry about anything. Everything else just, kinda, falls to the wayside.

  9. Mental health. At least now the days of wishing I were dead are minimal, but I have days still that a real struggle just to exist.

    Beyond that, prostate, cancer etc etc

  10. It’s a part of mental health, but being lonely.

    I had a wake-up call that I’m not taking enough care of myself emotionally last weekend.

    7 months after a break up and it took a big weekend on the beers, and I just broke down in front of my friends.

    I just realised I’m not showing up or doing enough for myself and that I shouldn’t put that much responsibility on someone else.

    I need to learn to love myself.

  11. Other than mental health you keep seeing on here, my sugar intake. I’m not diabetic and I plan on keeping it that way, but holy hell is there so much sugar in everything!!

  12. Things that come with aging/ Losing my ability to take care of myself as I get older – remembering things less efficiently, mobility getting more restricted, becoming more frail in general, etc.

  13. I heard recently that it’s possible for men to have an intestinal hernia that goes out the bottom of your abdominal wall and into your ball sack.

    I’ve been thinking about that a lot since learning of it.

  14. I’m healthy and all but i fear one day I won’t be able to click the 10-20 spots on my screen required raise my agility level because arthritis or Carpel Tunnel.

  15. I’m overly concerned with sitting on my own nuts and bursting them. Typically pick them up before I sit down

  16. My dick is just too damn big. Nah, i actually have a bacterial infection between 2 molars in the back of my mouth that is close to rotting through into my sinus which will cause serious problems and I can’t afford the up front surgery costs, keep rescheduling the surgery hoping I’ll actually have the money for it eventually but it’s pretty grim out there.

  17. Heart attack.


    When you’re really young you don’t even think about it. Then you think it’ll happen years down the line when you’re old. Then you hit your mid 40’s, you’ve got friends with zipper scars, and every flutter in your chest reminds you you’re closer to the end than the beginning.

    Happy Friday all

  18. Heart health, its the most scary thing, you are laughing and playing and suddenly you get a heart attack

  19. Getting fat/metabolically fucked. People vastly underestimate what it means to eat healthy and how important it is to exercise. A lot of people in this thread talk about mental health but I would wager almost all of them don’t realize how crucial of a role your gut plays in that. I’d challenge everyone to do at least two weeks of no sugar and no processed foods, that includes bread, and no factory farmed, high antibiotic, unnatural diet meat and pair that with a pre and probiotic and see how much better off your mental health is

  20. Mental health.

    I am not very visually appealing. I am incredibly skinny / lanky for a male, and I will never love the skin I’m in.

    Saw myself in my son’s Wyze camera last night, and wanted to jump off of the roof.

  21. Cancer – any cancer. Pre-care for men is a shitshow and ridiculous in comparison to female pre-care.

    Let alone all the kinds of cancer caused or faciliated by work (construction, dusts, materials and so on).

  22. I had pre cancer removed and I’m waiting to meet with a gene specialist for more information on risk and treatment

  23. I just get a little giddy sometimes and it makes me clumsy. I think one day I’m going to go for a laugh and then accidentally perish.

  24. JFC this this thread is depressing. You all please go out and get some friends and therapy. The world needs you. You have to put love out into the world to get it back sometimes. It’s not that bad 🙂

    On to my health concern, I’d say my vision considering it’s been bad my whole life and is generally something that only gets worse as you age.

  25. What do you mean *as a man*? As in, something that only affects men, or at least disproportionately affects men? Because I have actual tangible health issues to deal with before I worry about anything in that category. 😆

  26. At first I thought it was physical, so I got back into working out and started a few martial arts.

    Then I thought it was diet, so I got it dialed in so tight I have a killer physique for the first time ever.

    Then I had an accident that very easily could have instantly decapitated me in front of my kids, luckily all the stars aligned and all the safety gear worked and I ended up with a few dozen stitches and a bruised face.

    Momento Mori

  27. Honestly, I don’t care if I die today, and I live like it. Energy drinks, alcohol, cigarettes. Pretty much everything I’ve been taught that will kill me.

    My biggest fear is that I’ll find a reason to live, and my past will catch up and kill me. I think about it constantly, and I end up jumping back and forth from quitting and continuing.

  28. Another major depressive episode where there’s constant thoughts of dying for relief. Dramatic but in those dark moments it’s intense.

  29. Heart health, stroke, high blood pressure, colon cancer.

    My mental health is surprisingly good. It’s one of my biggest strengths.

  30. A broken heart. You find someone you really love and connect with. Then one day they’re gone. Either they left you or they are physically gone. Knowing that nothing is forever, it makes me sad not being able to immortalize someone’s love for me and keep it that way.

  31. High blood pressure. As men get older they tend to get high blood pressure. Strokes are serious business and can F you up. Get checked, take your medication.

  32. I’m not worried about health at all honestly. I’m trying to run this bitch ragged and die early. Really putting the miles on it

  33. For men in general: Mental health, 100%.

    Young men and boys are constantly harped on as predators until proven otherwise. One false accusation can ruin their life. So-called microaggressions have become nanoaggressions. They’re told they’re unwelcome in “safe spaces” and are routinely told that their opinions aren’t valuable because they’re men (cis or white may be placed on top of that, too).

    I’m grateful for the feminist movement. It has created opportunities for my daughter that my mother didn’t have. But there’s a toxic and misandric strain in feminism that is really pervasive as of late, and is harming young men and boys. And the worst part is that I think a lot of them actually revel in it. Then they complain how so many young men are following miscreants like Andrew Tate and his band of freaks. Perhaps start by not vilifying them from the get-go?

    For myself: My sleep habits.

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