I was having lunch today with two college classmates. We’ve known each other for a couple months but I wouldn’t say we’re friends. We were talking and got into the topic of stuffed animals and childhood memories, so I shared a story from my childhood that I later realized might have been a bit TMI (too much information).

When I was a kid, like four or five years old, I had a stuffed animal named Fart-or-Booger. As the name implies, I farted and placed my boogers on this stuffed animal. I then chased around my siblings with it, making them touch my gassy and mucus-infused companion.

Would you be horrified to hear this story from your classmate? They were laughing but I’m still worried I told them a bit too much and made them uncomfortable.

  1. Nah that’s hilarious. I do hope your siblings got revenge on you and set you straight though xD

  2. 💀🤨 I’d be weirded out a bit but I’d still be your friend… like wow you trust me to know that about you? Cool 🫡

  3. I’d be disgusted but I wouldn’t think less of you, that’s hilarious and kids are stupid

  4. If you’re worried about how people would react just tell them it was one of your siblings who did it, and I’d they’re okay. Say it was actually you

  5. as long as you don’t bring fart-or-booger to work, I think you are fine. keep in mind this story may come up at a later date, be prepared to handle it with laughter

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