Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

And you can get beaten up for this kind of jokes.

Dont make those jokes at work or in my home. And don act surprised when I say I wont invite to my home again.


Edit: Im hated here, because I dint understand jokes and world doesnt spin around my culture.

So I started another tread, about someone making kidnapping you or your kids jokes. And suddenly YOU dont think its funny.

Maybe you need to look in a mirror.

  1. Hardly anyone involved who isn’t, like, five thinks it’s legitimately about eachother’s moms.

  2. I mean its mostly people who either are children or are just like. Close friends and chilling. It isn’t something that is done in polite company

  3. We like jokes and don’t think it actually applies to our moms. If we were trying to be disrespectful, we wouldn’t joke, we’d insult.

  4. Yo mama jokes are cheesy one liners.

    No one is offended by them unless they’re already a few fries short of a happy meal.

  5. When I met a friend from India in college, I learned that other countries take these jokes waaay more seriously. If you were actually insulting people’s mothers, it would not be taken well, but these jokes are more lighthearted banter between friends.

  6. Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. It’s not fun and the frog dies as a result. – Mark Twain (maybe)

  7. They’re funny.

    OP’s mama so dumb she thought Fleetwood Mac was a sandwich at McDonald’s.

  8. > Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    Explain this further, please. Are you seriously expecting us to avoid any and all jokes that offend *someone*’s culture, *somewhere*, while in our own country?

  9. yo mama so fat when she skip a meal the stock market drop

    yo mama so ugly she walked out the haunted house with a job offer

  10. >Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    Says the one bitching about silly jokes because “you’d get beaten up for that in MyCountry^TM

  11. > Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    You asked a question, we responded, and you acted threatening in the comments and then whined that we’re different in your edit. Americans would stomp the fuck out of you.

  12. What the hell are you on about? What does yo mama jokes have to do with “Americans not caring about other people’s cultures”? Did you run into an American in your country and they told a yo mama joke? Or did an American tell one online and you saw it? What made you post this? If an American visits another country and accidentally does something disrespectful it’s generally because they didn’t know any better. Do you think that you know every single tiny detail about a country’s culture before you visit for the first time? It doesn’t work like that bud, even if you do your research before going somewhere you will more than likely still make a mistake. Also some Americans are assholes just like some people from other countries are assholes.

  13. >Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    Says the guy saying our culture is wrong because banter leads to violence in your make believe culture in Denver.

  14. I was talking about this on another thread just the other day. My brother and I would tell Yo mama jokes to each other at the dinner table in front of our mom and she laughed at them.

    No one takes them seriously here. Seriously though do not tey to start fights over here over them. That probably won’t work out well for you.

  15. OP’s Mama’s so fat that she when posts on ask an American, it shows up on ask a Canadian and ask a Mexican too.

  16. >Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    Seems like you’re the one expecting us to adhere to your cultural standard though?

  17. >Seems like Americans don’t care that someone else’s culture can be different.

    maternal insults are part of our culture. it sounds like you don’t care that someone’s culture can be different.

  18. Those jokes aren’t about anyone’s ‘real” mother. I’m a mom and if my son and his friends were tossing out ‘yo mamma’ jokes around me I probably would either not notice or laugh along with them.

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