I’m a porn watcher myself and I don’t think he’s doing ANYTHING wrong but idk how to talk to him about it? I’ve seen his expressions whenever I accidentally sneak on his phone’s screen. But I wanna tell him about the addiction he can get caught in and make him understand abt this topic but I don’t have the courage to talk about it. And we are not that open to each other as brothers actually. We don’t talk about sensitive topics ever. Any suggestions how can I start talking to him about this??

  1. I don’t get it, why is this your responsibility? Is he under your guardianship or something?

  2. …Why are you even trying to talk to him about it? What he’s doing is perfectly natural and normal.

  3. If you don’t usually talk about sensitive topics you don’t need to unless something really serious happens imo. Just let him figure it out on his own

  4. Maybe I should leave him with that? As per everyone’s suggestions.. so that’s what I’m gonna do 🙂

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