Apparently I always ’over-react’ to getting accidentally kneed in the balls while kissing, & it pisses off my SO.

But what’s a normal reaction? How quick do you bounce back?

  1. For the record, this is my reaction: lie back on the bed for like, 10 minutes and hold my boys, eyes closed, refuse to talk while I deal quietly with the pelvic pain.

  2. Make a sound like “hwhooohh” followed by “fuck” then wait for the pain to set in and just try to ride it out by either crouching or laying down

  3. I mean if you both have balls, they should be aware of what they are doing and also how badly that hurts.

    Most times people are embarrassed and get defensive when others get upset about something they’ve done. I think this is just going to require a little more maturity on both of your parts.

    Also I refer back to BE AWARE IF EACH OTHERS BALLS!!

  4. I once got knee’d in two of my favorite balls simultaniously – (the right and the far left ) – and my reaction was mumbling: “Gosh darn it – why does bad things always happen to good people”, before resuming the robbery.

  5. For me, it’s intense pain that will render me immobile and on the verge of vomiting for about 5 minutes, whereupon the pain will suddenly dissipate with surprising rapidity.

  6. I bounce back as soon as I can stand up straight, breathe and my eyes stop watering.

  7. You should probably start wondering how “accidental” this is if it’s happening regularly…

  8. Not getting it in the nuggets at all during kissing? Her expecting you to perform after a wack is a huge red flag.

  9. My personal reaction to getting hit the balls is usually initially anger. I don’t usually actually feel it for a few seconds and instead have a natural reaction of wanting to hit something, then after I punch something, that’s when the pain comes in. Then I am usually down and out for like 2-4 minutes recovering.

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