Is this really a deal breaker??

  1. Do we have a good relationship with a lot of attraction to each other? Because that’s what matters here.

  2. That would, without a doubt, be a full bail out for me. There’s no way I’d trust her ever again. The lie, in my mind, would (probably) be less forgivable than the crime.

  3. She sounds great and mysterious. You should build a life together.

    As an aside, I have this bag of magic beans I think you would love…

  4. Break trust at a fundamental level right off the bat?! Leave the instant she’s done saying that. What the actual fuck.

  5. Wow, what a winner!

    Crime & lies right off the bat. Depending on the crime, the lies may well be the worst part of this!

  6. Yes, for me that’s a deal-breaker.

    Huge red flag, MASSIVE in fact with a big fucking red flashing light on it.

  7. Nah, not for me. I’d leave and never look back.

    I’m also not googling my partners. I understand women do that to try to keep safe, but I’m not that worried for myself.

    I can’t imagine what crime (besides sex crimes and maybe stalking) that I couldn’t be sympathetic about. But providing a false identity? That’s whack.

  8. Mmm, that’s a tough one. On one hand, she did just demonstrate that she has no respect for the law, depending on her charges she has no respect for herself or her community, and she has no respect for you.

    On the other hand, the vagina. Vagina is pretty great and all but I’d maybe count these past few months as a win and leave the roulette table while you’re still up.

  9. Deal breaker that’s for sure. If you can lie now you’ll lie later. You can avoid it or say you are uncomfortable with sharing but lying isn’t the way to go.

  10. I’d be more inclined to give her a shot if she was up front and honest about everything. If I found out she lied from the beginning, I’d spend the rest of the relationship wondering what else she’s lied about and what she might lie about in the future. There’d be absolutely no trust, and I can’t have a relationship based on that.

  11. The reddest of red flags.

    Being honest but not disclosing everything in the early stages of dating is fine, but outright lies like that, no thanks. It would be fine to disclose after a short period of dating that you’ve got some upcoming charges or criminal record or whatever. That’s not something you need to get out there on a first date.

    But the whole fake name and fake age thing just screams ‘crazy’ and ‘drama’.

  12. Most women lie about their age, so it isn’t a big deal. Her name and having a criminal record is a bigger concern though.

  13. It doesn’t matter what the crime is. Trust is literally the foundation for any relationship. If you can’t trust someone there is absolutely no way you can have any sort of relationship with them.

    Lying from the start will absolutely never work out for you. If you really like a guy tell him the truth right away. If he’s going to forgive you for it he will then. If you lie about it no one will ever forgive for lying.

  14. What a stupid question. I’d think she’s dishonest and a loon. I wouldn’t date either so yes a deal breaker.

  15. My friend, that is a red flag so big, the Soviets want to stick it on the Reichstag. Get out and runnnnnn.

  16. She likes you so much that she lied about huge aspects about herself, but she’s really embarrassed for lying for half a year… so that’s ok right? How is this serious? Are you supposed to forgive a stranger? Because she’s not who she said she was. If she lived in her lies for that long I would feel catfished.

  17. Ya pretty much I’d break up with her because that’s kind of a crazy thing to do. Maybe if she had come clean the very first day I’d be more forgiving. 3 to 6 months of dating? No thank you, those criminal charges must be pretty serious to want to hide and it would make me think she’s gonna murder me in my sleep or something.

  18. I was like “Okay, not sharing your real address kinda makes sense…” but then you got to the criminal charges part, lol. No, definitely cut and run.

  19. This is an acceptable reason to ghost someone. Some of this would be workable (not ok, but can be worked through if you want) on their own. But criminal charges AND months of lying to you? That’s a fucking time bomb.

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