Do you associate the word “love” with specific people, a particular song, a particular situation, or do you have a general way of explaining this emotion? Although we all experience it and understand it, we rarely discuss how we would define it.

  1. There may be many kinds of love, but in my head, with romantic relationships, it often boils down to two. Infatuation, and real love. Infatuation is more of a selfish, egotistical kind of love; A love that’s initially turned inwards, and then projected out unto others. You might not even perceive the other person clearly, but rather you see all that you desire instead. It’s also controlled by a strong instinct to reproduce, and all the body’s changes therein.

    Real love is more focused outwards, and then projected inwards from there. In that real love is more preoccupied on the other being involved, and their best interests. You might sacrifice your own well being to ensure theirs. Scientifically, this has all kind of beneficial side effects for good mental health, bonding, and lasting relationships. This is how mammals are able to work together as a cohesive unit.

    Romantic relationships often go through infatuation first, and real love comes later with time. You really need both for a strong romantic bond, and infatuation isn’t easy to maintain over time, whereas actual love is more enduring. That’s when a partner can become more like a family member, than a lover.

  2. Love is like magical connection where your spirit links up with someone else’s, but it’s different for everyone. Loving different people feels unique each time. It’s about feeling a strong connection, being caring, passionate, and full of positive energy. Many people got different views on what it is. superlovebowl on youtube on got various interviews on the love definition.

  3. I’d say love is a definition we can only fully understand in our individual perspective. It is a feeling, but also the understanding and the way you see the conception of love is how you are loved as a child. How I receive, give and feel love would be different to you. But the general word love would be defined as one of the most exceptional things we can experience in life as an animal, let alone with a conscience, as we have as humans. Would it be classed as strong of a feeling as death and pain? Just on the opposite end of the spectrum?

  4. I associate love with God. If the way I love something or someone reflects the love God has for me, then that’s how I think I’m doing it right. By that, I mean that God is forgiving, loves unconditionally, and is always there for me. If I can do that, I’m showing the world that he’s here with me.

  5. I associate love with the Catholic understanding of Love. To “will the good of the other” is what it means to love someone. You don’t want anything from that person but the absolute best for them. I’m not Catholic but that always rang true for me.

  6. I think I knew what love was when I felt it, oddly enough for my best friend. He accepted me for how I was and never tried to change me, and I did the same for him. That’s love, at least one kind anyway. In order to love this way we have to see the other person’s flaws and quirks, and accept them despite these things.

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